Spanish Chiropractic Articles

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

A Chiropractor from West Palm Beach Florida, Dr. Edwin Cordero, has authored a number of chiropractic articles in Spanish. About a dozen of those articles appeared on Planet Chiropractic around 2002 and 2003, and some in 2004. I was checking search logs earlier today and noticed evidence of people seeking chiropractic related content in Spanish so I put together a list of some of Dr. Cordero’s chiropractic posts. All of the articles below are in Spanish and range in topics from the discussion of innate intelligence to being responsible for one’s own health.

Es Mi Salud Mi Responsabilidad?

La Inteligencia Innata

Proposito Quiropractico

Mi Vision Quiropractica

Es Mi Salud Mi Prioridad

Tu Salud Es Tu Responsabilidad

Comparte Tus Experiencias Con Otros

Existe Una Inteligencia Dentro De Ti

Es La Quiropractica Un Arte, Una Ciencia O Una filosofia?

Es El Quiropractico Un Terapista?

Dr. Edwin Cordero is a 1993 graduate of Life Chiropractic College in Marietta Georgia. He practices in the state of Florida and he’s one of those chiropractors that lives what he teaches. He’s been incredibly inspirational to myself and to a great number of other chiropractors. I remember being on a chiropractic humanitarian trip in Costa Rica and the two of us were adjusting during an insane rainstorm. Good times. If you are seeking chiropractic information available in Spanish, the above articles make a great resource.

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