Strip Mall Chiropractors

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

We can’t all be Strip Mall Chiropractors. My office is located amongst about six other businesses in what we call a “strip mall” or mini shopping center. This past weekend I visited with chiropractors from North Hollywood, Burbank, Santa Clarita, Lancaster, Palmdale, and Bakersfield. I took photos at Frye Chiropractic (which is on 10th Street in Lancaster, California) and at Ryan Chiropractic in Bakersfield. Dr. Ryan’s office was the one that scored local NBC news coverage with the kid video.

Ryan Chiropractic Bakersfield

The above is a photo taken outside of Dr. Jim Ryan’s chiropractic practice in Bakersfield. I don’t remember the name of the pizza place next door, but there were at least seven other businesses in the center. While the layout was different, there were some similarities to my chiropractic office in Los Angeles.

Lots of parking, large plate glass windows, and a big neon sign over the office are three things I’d say many strip mall chiropractic offices share. In the experience and our office, sometimes the parking can be a problem, but at least it’s free (unlike in a professional building or medical building).

santa clarita chiropractic works

The photo from above is of Dr. Carolyn Griffin’s office, a chiropractor practicing in Santa Clarita. The picture was taken back in October 2007 (having trouble uploading those recently taken) and it’s another chiropractic office that’s in a strip mall (also next to a pizza parlor).

Unlike most of the chiropractic offices I’ve seen that are in settings like this, this one had two doors instead of one (in the front). Lots of glass with information about chiropractic and the office is typical for those practices I checked out.

frye-chiropractic-lancaster-californiaThe office of Frye Chiropractic is different from any strip mall office I’ve seen before. I don’t think it classifies as a strip mall practice being that it’s over 7000 square feet and I think there’s only three businesses in the center. This is probably less common for most chiropractic businesses.

What I’m hoping to find out is if you (I’m speaking to chiropractors) have an office in a strip mall, and if so, what advantages vs. disadvantages have you experienced?

If you’re not a chiropractor but want to leave a comment about chiropractic office you go to, feel free to do so. I just want to know whether it’s a freestanding building, a business in a strip mall, business inside a professional medical building, what state it’s in, and do you have any issues with parking when go for an adjustment.

It’s easy to assume that many chiropractors opened their businesses in strip mall settings, but let’s get some data before I go publishing news articles regarding the subject.

Thanks and have a spectacular week!

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