Not done talking DCS chiropracTIC
By Michael Dorausch, D.C.
The Dead Chiropractic Society California Jam continues to be burned into the memories of those in attendance. It’s been 10 days since the mega chiropractic event and e-mails continue to arrive with testimonials from chiropractors excited to share their thoughts. California Jam 2009 won’t be taking place until March of that year, but you can expect a number of philosophical local chiropractic events taking place in the Southern California DCS clubhouse until the Jam dates come.
Photos from the DCS California Jam can be viewed as a slideshow or as a static photo set. Music featured Ozzy Osbourne and attendee testimonials said that the performance center rocked.

Thank you for a great event. I just wanted to tell you what a great job you did. I know it was a lot of work. I appreciate you inviting me to participate. You are surely doing a great job for chiropractic.
Your friend,
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Hi Edgar,
I felt I needed to write something as a thank you for putting on The Jam. Even though it’s addressed to Billy D., please know that I know it wouldn’t have happened without your committed team soooo, THANKS TO YOU ALL!
“Dr. Bill DeMoss and The Dead Chiropractic Society have raised the Chiropractic bar in what I would call one of the best events our profession has ever seen! For me personally, the California Jam was not only inspiring, but actually life-changing. I can honestly say I’ve never seen a more pumped up crowd of DCs. In the years to come, for anyone who’s asked the question “Are you experienced?”, there will be only one answer: “Yes, and it was a great experience!”. This event will have Chiropractors dismissing all thoughts of “retirement” and CA’s in attendance will be quoted with “Chiropractic” and “Career” in the same sentence.
In the future, anyone wishing to hold a title of ChiropracTOR will have attended this event, much like historic times when you were undeserving unless you attended BJ’s Lyceum.
A huge thanks goes to “Billy D.”! With him as a leader for our profession, we’ll always be winners. And I will be at The Jam every time!”
Yours in Chiropractic,
Scott Sawyer, DC
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Brother Dr. Billy,
You have done the impossible… twice! You have developed an ongoing monthly philosophy series. Dreamed of and tried by many, but you did it!
Then, you throw a humongo Real Chiropractic event, big name speakers, even C.E.credits from the Board, and hit well over a thousand participants first time out! I see in you the spark that will ignite Real Chiropractic in our Fruit-and-Nut State.
Great work!
G-d bless ya!
The Chiropractic Avenger
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Related DCS posts include 2008 DCS photos, Mark Victor Hansen, Lyceum 2008, philosophical comedy, on the run searching, and dead events.
One of the most important posts to come out of DCS is this one, simply titled Chiropractors. If you handed me a business card and/or attended the California Jam, make sure you follow up by commenting on the chiropractors post, as I won’t be adding any new information to the directory pages that’s not appearing in the comments section first. Consider that the standard through August of 2008. @Â 9:54 pm | Article ID:Â 1210049695