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Philosophy and Art and Sciences and Religions

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

As it turns out, this is the long-awaited part #6 of an audio series featuring Dr. John DeMartini which was recorded at a Parker Chiropractic conference in Las Vegas, Nevada during January of 2001.

Here’s a brief transcript from the opening… I was sitting there on the floor when I was 18 years old, and I’d locked myself in my room, and I was studying, because I had dedicated my life to studying in mastering the art of speaking, and understanding, and reading, and learning. I locked myself in the room and I started studying the laws of the universe. My uncle who was a professor sent me two giant crates full of boxes to help me study, philosophy and art and sciences and religions of the world. And as I was sitting there I came across Godfrey Wilhelm Leibniz, this great philosopher, and this great theologian, and astronomer, and mathematician who wrote the calculus. He said that there is a divine perfection. A divine magnificence. A divine beauty. His science and methodology he said that the whole universe is filled with substance and parts. And all the parts themselves, have the whole universe within. In his mathematics he found between 0 and 1 had an infinite number of fractions so therefore the infinite within the infinite. That every part had the infinite whole. The infinite oneness.

Audio should be available below via and online MP3 player. Links to all six parts of this audio series are provided as well.

Listen to the mp3 audio presentation here…


Note: The audio player for this blog was updated on Oct. 11, 2008.

I recorded this presentation personally on a Tascam Dat recorder back in January 2001. More than seven years later, it’s still a great presentation, loaded with motivational and thought-provoking topics.

Chiropractors can search dozens of archived news posts with topics related to Parker and other chiropractic seminars. Continuing education and conference information can be viewed here and here. Those listening to the audio series are welcome to share comments on any of the six related chiropractic blog posts.


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