first chiropractic appt ever was awesome
By Michael Dorausch, D.C.
The following is a collection of Twitter messages (follow me here) of people expressing their thoughts on chiropractic. These are all from yesterday (except for the last one, which was on June 13). They make for an interesting collection of image captures on what’s going through the minds of five people going to the chiropractor.
my first chiropractic appt was awesome. i was nervous but now i can’t wait to go back
lunchtime chiropractic will hopefully be a godsend.
chiropractic adjustment felt so good after missing appt for 2 mos.
Experiencing improved spinal health
Chiropractic visit was the best thing all week. I have center again!
These tweets were not intended for anyone in particular to view, they are just one example of what we can find out about a particular topic (such as chiropractic) when we filter out all the other noise constantly being produced in social circles.
Related Twiiter posts include one about realtime results and another regarding following twitter tweets beyond the page 10 limitation.