Chiropractic Kiddies Head Back to Classrooms
By Michael Dorausch, D.C.
When we talk about kids going back to school in the fall of 2007, let’s not forget those heading back to spinal anatomy class, adjusting technique labs, and a mountain of useless hours of medically based differential diagnosis. We’ve covered a lot of content on Planet Chiropractic related to Chiropractic Schools and associated topics. There are a few different advice related articles, student loan payment and consolidation articles, and various student opportunities and programs.
No chiropractic students education should be considered complete without some schooling from Sigafoose, sex education with Reggie Gold, or some mentoring from Sharon Gorman. Do schools still hold programs like this CCCLA event featuring Reggie? I’d like to hear from more chiropractic students and know what’s up.
Students, theres plenty of chiropractic audio, old media archives, chiropractic video, and nearly 10 years of chiropractic news archive content, to get your hands on. Don’t forget, there are also FREE ad categories for chiropractic students seeking employment. What else are you looking for?
Whether you are in Texas, New York, Northern California, Georgia, or other US state that has a chiropractic college, get the best chiropractic education you can, regardless of any garbage a particular school may be pushing.
It may seem like a long road now, but it goes fast and the fun has not even begun to start.
I am planning to attend a newly developed program in NY state called D’youville. They just recieved accredidation and Im afraid I will not get the best education. Do you have any advise?