
Can You offer Advice about Chiropractic Schools?

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

I have been receiving lots of questions from people searching for information regarding various chiropractic schools, mostly those in the United States. In an effort to better answer some of these questions I began doing some research of my own. What I discovered was that while there is a web site for every chiropractic College in the United States, most of the information I found was similar to reading a brochure. All schools want to paint themselves in the best light and I don’t recall coming across any chiropractic school website saying “we may not be the right school for you.”

Anyone who has been to chiropractic College, or works in its educational system, knows that not all schools are created equal. While the schools all strive to teach their students to be competent doctors of chiropractic, to pass national and state board examinations, and to get licensed, the similarities pretty much end there. Beyond the basics, at the 18 current US schools, we have major differences in technique instruction, philosophical tenets and instruction, and practice management, just to name a few.

The research I have been doing led to the creation of the (planetc1.com) chiropractic school review web site. Here, recent graduates, as well as chiropractors in the field of practice, can share their insights and experiences about their chiropractic education. I hope the information on the web site is helpful to both the prospective student and the general public.

I am also working on several featured articles for planet chiropractic that are focused on the chiropractic educational system. I have an article published this year on assessing the salary of a chiropractor (which is a continual work in progress), as well as an article on advice about chiropractic schools. A few of the topics that are in the works include: whether chiropractic schooling in today’s health-care climate is a worthwhile investment; are all chiropractic schools created equally; which chiropractic schools have the best reputations for doctors in the field of practice.

chiropractor adjustingThe reason I am working to publish information on these topics is that I find they are topics that are little discussed. For example, I would assume that nearly any chiropractic school recruiter is going to say that becoming a chiropractor today is a good investment. They may cite recent studies saying the growth of the chiropractic profession in the United States is looking good, they may cite studies showing comfortable incomes earned by practicing chiropractors, they may cite studies of chiropractics growing acceptance (I hate that term). But as I recently discovered, after hearing from young chiropractors graduating with plus $200,000 in student loan debt, I began to wonder whether an eight-year full time schooling investment in chiropractic education and nearly a quarter million dollars in debt, was a good bet. To be clear, I’m not talking chiropractically minded DCs, I am talking business models.

Any doctor who has been in practice for any length of time knows that chiropractic schools are not all created equal. There is little to no information regarding this available on the Internet. With your help, my upcoming series of articles regarding the similarities and differences of the various chiropractic colleges in the United States should assist both the student doctor and the general public to disseminate some important information regarding the various schools.

Do some schools have better reputations than others among field doctors? Even though I’m not a graduate of Palmer in Davenport, Iowa or Life University, I have to say that in my experience, some schools are held in higher regard among not only doctors of chiropractic but a select population of the general public as well.

I know what it is like to go to the office everyday. I know what it is like to have reports due, to have staff to train, to have people to see. I also know that if I did not make the time investment, this website would not exist. If you’re interested in contributing and/or participating in the creation of these articles I’d appreciate hearing from you. For more information you can click here to e-mail me. If you are a recent graduate from a chiropractic College or are a doctor practicing in the field I would also appreciate if you would take a few minutes to visit our school review web site. If you feel like sharing and potentially making chiropractic schools a better place, register a free username, and tell a story about your chiropractic educational experience.

Thanks and all the best of health to you and yours.
Dr. Michael Dorausch, D.C.

planetc1.com-news @ 7:44 am | Article ID: 1145371458

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