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Ron Paul Revolution Quantcast November Report

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

Earlier today I posted news to Planet Chiropractic (Addicted to Ron Paul) regarding a significant change in web related data, when comparing web site traffic from September through November, for,, and

ronpaul 2008 web siteThe news section of the Planet Chiropractic website does not support comments so this post was created for those that have been e-mailing me. I’ll go into more specific details on the news post here, and this is the place to post your related comments.

Other Ron Paul related articles on this site include: Why Chiropractors Should Support Ron Paul and Chiropractors Voting for Ron Paul, which appear on this blog, and Ron Paul Revolution in Tempe Arizona which appeared on the web sites main news page.

Just in case someone wanted to question my methods in gathering data for todays news article, I checked a 2nd popularity measuring website (compete) for additional data that would refute or support my findings.

The numbers coming from are even higher than those coming from Quantcast, and that’s for the single domain. I have yet to see a major media outlet perform a detailed site traffic analysis on 08′ presidential campaign websites, how about it?


1 Comment

  1. No army can stop and idea who’s time has come.
    -Ron Paul

    It is the time of the idea of liberty for all. r3V01ution NOW

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