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Lost chiropractor website post

Must have been the tequila, found the post I started and thought was deleted. Getting good feedback on the website idea (thanks) and slowly moving forward (at least moving). Going to load a template version of the website to a subdomain so you can login and play with the settings. Read post link below for complete story…

It’s either the 15 new patients I saw in my office this week, the 14 new patients I saw in my office last week, the gargantuan amount of love and support I’ve received from family, friends, chiropractors, patients, or the Tequila I’m enjoying while creating this post… Whatever it is, I’m feeling rather blessed.

I talk about Open Source all the time. I love Ubuntu (Linux) on my PC, run Fedora (Linux) on some of our Planet Chiropractic Servers, and use WordPress (this blog software, all thanks to a considerable number of people, most whom I’ve never met. It’s as if they give for the sake of giving, serve for the sake of serving, do for the sake of doing. Surely I can do that.

I’m giving away the design to one of my chiropractic websites… Giving away my chiropractic website


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