
Contact Reflex Analysis Chiropractic Seminars with Dick Versendaal

I get postcards for seminars mailed to my chiropractic office in Los Angeles on a regular basis. Nearly all the seminars are for continuing education events in the state of California but sometimes they are for other areas as well. I recently received a postcard for a Dick Versendaal Seminar which takes place near LAX in February 2013 and I later noticed that there are several 2013 dates for his series of seminars posted to the planet chiropractic seminars pages.

From what I see posted, locations for 2013 include West Palm Beach, Los Angeles, St. Louis, West Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, New Mexico, New York and Chicago. Here’s a copy of the postcard I received followed by some information regarding this form of analysis developed by Dr. Versendaal.

Dick Versendaal Contact AnalysisContact Reflex Analysis® (CRA®), simply stated, is an energy connection. It is a technique that utilizes a muscle response as an indicator and assessment of the energy status of each organ, gland, system, or structure. This energy assessment is accomplished by testing one or more reflexes, which are similar to acupuncture points and meridians, and monitoring the reactance of the muscle when in contact with these points. The more the body reacts when an energy imbalance is located, the weaker the muscle. In CRA the practitioner typically applies a single, downward push on the wrist of a patient’s outstretched arm while also making contact with a specific reflex point on the patient’s body. The gentle, but firm push is like a subtle “question” and the muscle reactivity response is the “answer.”

Dr. Dick Versendaal, DC, CRA, DCRC, DACBN is a master chiropractor who studied under and was mentored by BJ Palmer. He is an absolute genius of the synergy between the spine, organs, systems, and nutritional chemistry. Over the past 50 years he has researched, developed, and refined the subtle-energy technique called Contact Reflex Analysis™ through which one can determine the root cause of a health issue; emotional, nutritional, structural, or a combination of the three. Once the cause has been established, CRA can assist in determining most efficient and effective means of resolving the problem so wellness can be achieved. Dr. Dick Versendaal continues to care for and selflessly serve thousands of people worldwide. He has devoted his entire life to restoring hope to those who have none, and educating health professionals to do the same through Contact Reflex Analysis. His seminars are dynamic, engaging, and inspiring. They are offered around the country and open to all health professionals.

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