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MD-DC Practice and Consumer Fraud

Reuters reported today that four insurance companies have filed suit against a group of New York doctors “who allegedly sold their names and medical licenses to chiropractors and lay people in order to form more than 40 phony medical professional corporations.”

In the report, Vince Coyne of Progressive Insurance stated that it is against the law in New York for anyone other than a licensed medical doctor to own a medical professional corporation. He also stated “the practice of medicine by someone who is not a physician is a felony.”

Among the defendants in the case are 26 chiropractoids, 14 medical doctors, and 47 medical professional corporations. According to the report, no lawyers who incorporated the phony corporations have been named in the suit as of yet.

Wonder whether these were so called MD-DC practices or if the chiropractoids involved really wanted to play medical doctor.

Chiropractoids and medical charlatans sharing handcuffs and leg restraints paints a wonderful picture of professional collaboration. You reap what you sow brother, You reap what you sow.

Source and Links:
NY doctors sued over role in phony medical corporations FOX News
NY doctors sued over role in phony medical corporations Yahoo’s Health News @ 3:19 pm | Article ID: 953162379


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