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Constant Content Creation Drives Traffic

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

What’s a geek chiropractor to do on Friday night? Well, I came home from the office (a rocking week serving Los Angeles) and cleared an 8′ whiteboard in my home office, so I could set week ahead goals on it.

I showered, weighed in (195), posted next 7 days of workouts, vitamin intake schedule, and plans for 9 blog/news posts to be completed. I love setting goals. More than that, I love checking those goals off the old school way (check marked and erased).

tweets-mike-gvI sat down to get started on the first post, paused to tweet what I was doing, and then spotted an interesting coincidence.

Look at the tweetdeck screenshot to the left, @garyvee tweeted regarding content at exactly the same time as I did (@chiropractic).

Thanks to @adamstrong for bringing that to my attention.

What I liked about this was here was someone else (on a Friday night nonetheless) essentially answereing the question I get asked MOST when I met people. “How do you create so much content?” has got to be the top question I get from people starting out.

daily content on your blog/vlog/podcast/site is a necessity for victory ( making money) don’t let up and never stop! – @garyvee

I’ll give the credit for the daily content creation motivation to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. I believe I once heard Arnold say something in the nature of… “if you can focus 15 minutes a day to a task, in 10 short years you can become an expert.” So in 1999, one of my goals became to develop fresh content daily, and to develop skills so that much of that content could be created in about 15 minutes.

I’m actually getting near the 10 year mark (chiropractic news archived content since June 1999) and I can confidently say I finally feel like an expert (although I’m excited to continue learning) in creating and posting content.

A BIG thing I learned over the years is that not everyone is interested in daily topics on chiropractic (not even chiropractors) and I had to get creative in order to continue growing. One of the best examples I have of getting creative was a post (written in ~ 15 minutes) related to the 2007 Van Halen Tour with David Lee Roth.

Van Halen became a hot topic that weekend, and being a huge fan, I wanted to get a group of nationwide chiropractors together to volunteer tour services. Nothing that incredibly creative actually.

Well, a national reporter seemed to think it was, and I soon found myself being questioned as to why a chiropractic site ranked so high for the term Van Halen. That questioning resulted in a full page spread in a national print newspaper, an article on the homepage of CNN Money, and several related news web site posts.

Use a Top Story and Tie it into Your Site

How do I do it? I’ve honestly forgotten how I did it when I first started, but that was over 3000 days ago. I’ll tell you how I do it now. Today, I cleared the whiteboard and laid out the general topic headlines of the 9 posts (to be completed within next 7 days).

There’s news about a recording artist and her chiropractic care, a pro cyclist and her chiropractic care, one on search keywords, a how to article, a post regarding upcoming holidays, insurance billing codes, and one on shoulders. Not all will be completed, but in the process I’ll come up with ideas for a next set of posts, and I’ll likely have 6+ done by Sunday night.

That does not mean I’ll spend the weekend inside on the computer. No way, I live at the beach for a reason. There’s running time, family time, dog time, movie time, and other time too. Only the posts that require significant research should take longer than 20 minutes each to complete, and fortunately, nowadays I’m not the only one creating content.




  1. Thanks for writing this post. I made it a goal to post 5 times a week on my blog, but sometimes that is a challenge. Between school, clinic, family, exercise, plans for the future, it can be tough.

    I love the whiteboard idea. I’m going to start using that technique in my life.

  2. In the beginning, think about simplifying your topics. Each post doesn’t have to be a BJ Palmer green book chapter. Also, think about topics you can build on, like the 7 bones in the neck. That’s 7 posts (one on each bone and nerve relationship) followed by a summary post #8 which links them all together. That content will add value for years.

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