Marked Pelvic AP Lumbar Spine X-Ray

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

I was looking at some xray photos today and I came across this AP Pelvic Lumbar Spine X-Ray. It was taken with an analog xray system and I took a photo of the film while it was up on a viewbox.


Unlike the LMFAO Cervical Spine Xray post I don’t have any easy to remember lessons on this film, but it is marked and I figured I’d share some of the information viewable.

First off, who can tell me if this is male or female? Remember that from radiology classes? You’ve probably already noticed there is no Left (L) or Right (R) marker on the film. It’s cropped, this was a full-spine xray.

First, the markings in red. We’ll call EX4 side left and refer to IN4 side as right. Measurements below EX4 read 116 and measurements listed below IN4 read 120. Notice the lines drawn from the top of the left femoral head across to the right femoral head?

The 5 lumbar vertebra are marked on this film. Right side corner 1-2-3-4-5. Spinous processes are marked and measurements are listed as follows…

1st Lumbar: 20 & 21
2nd Lumbar: 22 & 21
3rd Lumbar: 22 & 24
4th Lumbar: 25 & 27
5th Lumbar: 29 & 30

Thoughts chiropractically, biomechanically, listing wise or xray wise on this film? Does anyone recall who created the marking method used here?

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