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Drug Sales Up Worldwide Thanks to U.S.

For our Canadian and international readers, this just gives you one more reason to point fingers at those of us in the U.S.

It was reported today that retail pharmaceutical sales were up 10% worldwide for 1999, driven by a rise in drug use in the United States.

To top that off, the fastest growing drugs in the category of therapeutic’s were musculo-skeletal drugs, which saw an increased use of 19% and anti-rheumatic drugs increasing by 29%.

Obviously, the world is choosing drugs as the first choice in the treatment of musculo-skeletal pain. This may sting, but we feel many chiropractors are wasting their efforts in the world of musculo-skeletal treatment.

Although we are not drug advocates, this is how we see it:
Spinal Manipulation is a less effective, more expensive alternative to therapeutic drugs in the treatment approach of acute low-back pain. Sure, it may be safer and offer some added benefits but you are simply missing the boat if you are not correcting subluxations via chiropractic adjustment, educating your patients, and inviting your entire community into your office and your heart to find out what it is that you truly have to offer them.

We are here to serve you doctor, so that you can go forth and serve others more effectively. We can be of service to you, if you let us know what you are looking for.

Click the FOX link below for the drug sales article
World drug sales rise 10% in 1999, driven by U.S. @ 6:43 am | Article ID: 950802226


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