
Vaccine Soup – News of the week

An recent article on MSNBC titled “No vaccine-MS link” stated that researchers have found the hepatitis B vaccine to be safe. There is a thought among some that the vaccine may cause Multiple Sclerosis in healthy people which has prompted the vaccine makers to perform a study.

The study was sponsored by the same companies that make vaccines and after the study was concluded one scientist had the following to say about the hepatitis B shot, “I think with the evidence we have now, it is safe, as safe as any other vaccines.”

As safe as any other vaccines?
Moments later, the following headlines appeared on the same news network: “Restrictions urged for Lyme vaccine.”

According to the article, some people believe they have been severely sickened by the Lyme disease vaccine. Efforts are being made to get the US government to insist that doctors disclose all possible side effects.

The US FDA has began an investigation into the vaccine and it’s maker, according to the article. The hepatitis B vaccine must be as safe as the Lyme vaccine, scientists said so.

And Another Link
From this weeks U.S. World News comes an article on Mad Cow Disease about the growing concerns of a Mad Cow crisis coming to the U.S.

While according to the article, the risk is small, it was stated that “the greatest risks for Americans ‘in addition to a tainted blood supply’ come from vaccines and from dietary supplements that are made from bovine materials from Europe.”

That is for those of you that don’t know what’s in your vaccines. Pigs and monkeys and cows oh my.

MSNBC: Studies: No vaccine-MS link – Researchers deem hepatitis B shot safe
MSNBC: Restrictions urged for Lyme vaccine – Patients complain of severe arthritis-like pain
US News.com: Rustling up a plan – Can the U.S. prevent a mad cow medical crisis?

* Update – Yahoo News reported on this topic since we posted news this morning.
Yahoo News: More Data Needed on Lyme Vaccine Safety

planetc1.com-news @ 6:13 am | Article ID: 981036802

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