FLU SHOT Survey: Getting one? Got one? No plans to get shot?

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

I was reading a Reuters report that stated fewer than a third of U.S. adults have received a flu vaccine so far this year and only about half said they intended to get one. The report goes on to explain why the authors feel this is the case.

Rather than rely soley on drug company (partially) funded surveys I created a survey of my own, and had results in about 15 minutes. (This isn’t intended as health care advice, it’s just a collection of what people have to say on the issue.) Using my @chiropractic Twitter profile I posted the following tweet…

FLU SHOT Survey: Getting one? Got one? No plans to get shot?

I performed a search for replies to my tweet and took screenshots. Here’s what people had to say about getting a flu shot.

Out of those three replies it looks like we’ve got one person that already had the flu and doesn’t plan on getting a shot, one person has gotten the shot a month ago, and one person got a flu shot and still got the flu. Total = 2 for shot + 1 for not.

In the next set of results we have one not having the time but wanting to get a flu shot, one person that’s already had a flu shot, and two people that have no plans to get the flu shot this year.

I had seven different replies regarding thoughts on the flu shot, so I began preparing this post. When I went to make the screenshots, there were more replies, so I’ve included those as well.

Out of the four replies shown above, we have one saying no way they would get the flu shot, one saying they’ve already had the flu so no go, a third one saying no, and a fourth saying never had a flu shot and no plans to get one. That’s 4 for NO on the flu shot (not good news for flu-shot manufacturers).

But we’re not done yet, I had three more replies.

In this batch we have never got a flu shot and no intentions to get one now, no flu shot for the strong and healthy, and no plans to get the flu shot. That’s a total of three more no’s for getting the flu shot.

Lets total up the numbers. 14 people replied. 3 people got the flu shot and 1 person is planning on getting the flu shot. 10 responded as not planning to get the flu shot. 1 is planning on getting the shot.

3 things I’ve learned from conducting this survey: 1) if these numbers represent general consensus there is going to be a massive surplus of flu shot available for the 2008-2009 flu season; 2) we could save the government and flu shot manufacturers tons of money by doing surveys like these; 3) people on twitter are wicked cool (at least the ones that are following me).

Many thanks to @Pamela_Lund, @steaprok, @TheMadHat, @bharshe, @DannyDover, @WordCures, @kwlow, @thesteffy, @pratt, @lyndseo, @MattMeeks, @CarrieHill, @kid_disco, @rumblestrip, and @BuySellDomains.

NOTE: After completing this post I noticed more replies on this topic. If you want to share your thoughts on getting the flu shot or not getting the flu shot, feel free to post them to the comments, and/or message me on twitter with the hash tag #Flu.

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  1. It’s incredible of just what the medical establishment has created. Really, at least more here on the East Coast, it’s similar to a nation of hypochondriacs. It’s easy to see the scare tactics in the mainstream media about the consequences of not receiving the flu shot.

    As far as winter goes, it’s vitally important to boost your immune system naturally. A regular regimen of high-quality Vitamin D, Zinc and a healthy dose of probiotics can give you solid immune system support while everyone else is suffering. Good post 🙂

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