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Vaccine Article in Offspring Magazine

The June/July issue of Offspring features an article on vaccination titled: “Who’s Calling the Shots?” Offspring is a new parenting publication owned by Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal.

The whole article is not available online but a link is provided below to the portion that is available.

From the article: “When Brenda Anderson, a mother in Northern Cambria, Pennsylvania, took her daughter Brittany to the doctor at four months, she’d already fallen behind in her immunizations. So the pediatrician’s nurse suggested a quick fix: They’d give the baby girl both doses of her DTP shot (for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), which are routinely administered at two-month intervals.”

“Isn’t there a reason they space them apart?” asked the mother…
Offspring Magazine: Who’s Calling the Shots? @ 7:53 am | Article ID: 960389637


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