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Step #10 To A Hundred A Day

By Rick Wren, D.C.

Success Principle #10 (Routinely Re-exam/Re x-ray and do a written Re-report of Findings) is probably consistently done by only 10% of the profession. Much of this procrastination is twofold. The first being that the doctor is doing most of the re exam procedures themself and he/she feels he/she doesn’t have time. The second being, he/she is in fear of what the findings may reveal whether it be good or bad.

The typical re-exam procedure usually shows great improvement within the first 12 visits. The typical Chiropractor that doesn’t do a very good first 3 days, is in fear that the patient is leaving the practice. The well educated patient knows this is the first step of many to “Wellness.”

The typical Re x-ray procedure will many times show very little improvement. The typical Chiropractor does not like to show post x-rays because there may be very little change. Re-x-rays are to validate how difficult spinal correction is, so small changes are very common. Doing regular surface EMG’s also demonstrates how spinal correction can take a long time. Especially when you use the Subluxation Station from CLA.

The Quantifications Report shows all the EMG’s performed and compares their results on a graph. You can easily demonstrate how the rate of spinal correction is directly proportional to the 3 kinds of stress (Physical, Psychological, and Chemical).

The true reason for re-exams is to re-establish rapport. To make sure you and the patient still have the same goals. Some times the goals have to be altered from the original. For example, the patient has prepaid for a whole year and they are tired of coming out 3 times a week after 4 months of care. I simply state to the patient that we can graduate them to 2 times a week, but our tests indicate that it will be 30% less effective. Most will agree to re-commit to 3 times a week, but some will still want to go to 2 times a week even though they will get less results. We have reset goals and everybody is happy.

When evaluating re-exams base it on Physiological and Physical findings, not on symptoms. Even Medical Doctors keep treating heart disease after the chest pains are gone. Chiropractors should be concentrating on spinal correction and preventing spinal decay after the symptoms are gone.

I have made 3 documents available below. The Re-exam Report will help you build a Re-exam report. You can get my exam form at the bottom of the PVA Equals Knowledge article. The Re-exam form will help you do it in about 4 to 5 minutes. The Sub-Station document is to give you a cover sheet to the Surface EMG report from CLA.

If you are not performing regular re-exams or your PVA is consistently under 30 you should consider purchasing our 18 CD set from the Planet Chiropractic online store and studying daily to break those old habits. See you in San Diego in late June (

LLL, Dr. Rick Wren (Founder of The Society of Chiropractic Masters and Parker Team Teacher)

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