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My Vision of My Practice

By Sharon Gorman, D.C.

I like daydreaming. If I can see something in my minds eye I can usually create it, provided it is God’s will. I often talk about the freedom of turning it over to God and praying for God’s will, not my own. I find my life works better when I wake up in the morning with the objective to serve. I want life to give me the opportunity to love, give and serve out of my abundance. That for me is the simple part. Where sometimes I get a little confused is being able to see how I can best be used. I am not a hard-line goal setter. I want to be lead, I’m tired of leading. I’m tired of thinking that I am in control, it is an illusion. I want to be less hung up in the effects and more focused on what I can do, the cause. If I judge my success on the effects and change my intention by the results I can often stop before the miracle occurs. God speed is how fast things happen in my life not Sharon speed. I’ve got to stay in touch with my feelings and my gut, my innate and attempt to flow in my life and not fight against what is right for me.

I want to encourage you to take a few hours in a quiet place and run a video in your head of how you want your practice and your life to look. Here is a sample of my vision early on in practice.

I can see myself paying all of my bills on time.
I can see myself saving $____ each and every week.
I can see myself with ____ CA’s.
I can see them loving them their job and happy to be working in Chiropractic and for me.
I can see my parking lot full of cars.
I can see all of my adjusting rooms full and ____ people in the waiting room.
I can see myself adjusting ____ patients a day.
I can see myself seeing ____ New Patients a month.
I can see all this happening with little or no struggle.
I can see having ____ people at Orientation each week.
I can see myself doing ____ outside talk a week.
I can see myself doing ____ open houses a year.
I can see my practice flowing with positive paying patients.
I can see having ____ children getting adjusted each day in my practice.
I can see my bulletin board stimulating the practice and changing monthly.
I can see a quarterly newsletter going out to the patients.
I can see an ad going out every Monday in the local paper and the phone ringing with new patients.
I see sometime in the future opening ____ more offices.
I see sometime in the future getting married and having ____ kids.
I see balance in my life.

When we are kids we are taught that daydreaming isn’t good, especially if we are doing it when we are supposed to be doing something else. We are taught to sit still and fit in. Well now we are all grown up (maybe) and it is time to allow yourself to create again. It is OK to have fun. It is OK to find out who you are and be yourself. Stop waiting for the next milestone. LIVE. Feel safe in knowing that you have a God and you don’t walk alone. Your life is full of purpose and challenge. You are a vessel of God’s love. Your expression of this love is your gift to the people around you. You are a force for good.

You are making a difference. You matter. Act like all you do is making a difference in the world because it is. You are whole and healthy. Your life challenges and excites you. You are perfect just the way you are. You don’t have to change for anyone. No accidents, your life so far has turned out exactly as it should have. Yes, we all make mistakes, that is part of our path. We are human. Forgive yourself for being human. You are really OK. You are whole. Dream – see the gift the future is, feel the gift that today is. And after you dream take some time to write it down. You don’t ever have to show anyone. Allow your mind and spirit to soar. Make a plan and proceed.

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Dr. Sharon Gorman Come see Sharon speak at FOCUS on May 18th & 19th in Newport Beach, California. Call today and register! (570) 476-7557 Visit her website at: @ 2:33 pm | Article ID: 1020720822


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