Scoliosis & Chiropractic
By Matthew Trull
This is a story of a mother, her children, a spinal condition known as Scoliosis, and an old saying… “You never know how far reaching something you may think, say, or do today, will affect the lives of countless millions tomorrow.”
Begin with the end in mind…
Hopefully you remember us, we’re the family you so graciously helped with the Scoliosis research. I thought I’d send you an update. Matthew won first place for his school, advanced to county level and won first place there, too. This Saturday he advances to regional competition.
There have been articles in several local papers about the project, and one even did an interview which resulted in an excellent 2 page spread. The important thing is the fact that more people are learning about the Chiropractic approach to Scoliosis.
Again, thanks for your help and support!
Angie Trull
An Introduction by Angie Trull
Each year, all the students at South Effingham Middle School are required to do a project. They can choose between Social Science and Science. The project is a large undertaking, requiring a lot of research, experiments, surveys, etc., in addition to a bibliography, your question which the project answers, research findings, credits (we thanked you Planet Chiropractic for your help), list of materials, etc. They are also required to do a visual, which they call a ‘triptych’, which is a tri-folding board, decorated, and represents all your work. The project is judged at the class level, then the grade level, then there is a school fair, where outside judges are brought in. Matthew won first place in all these, then progressed to county competition. The competition was very tough, but again he won first place. He then advanced to regional, where he competed against about 50 other counties, and won first place.
Matthews written part of the project told facts about scoliosis, and the treatment options were explained in detail. It also told the story of Matthew’s sister having spinal fusion surgery, a detailed account of what she went through, and how it has changed her life. We then told how Matthew, following a baseball injury, was diagnosed by our chiropractor as having scoliosis, how horrified we were at the prospect of having to go through that again, and a detailed account of our decision to try the chiropractic approach, and the entire process.
The visual display was definitely an attention-grabber! On the board, we placed a picture of DeLynne’s back a few days after surgery, and one of her lying in her hospital bed, pale and obviously in pain. We paralleled the differences in approach (pain, convenience, etc.), and the cost and results. I think the real clincher in proving our point was the x-rays we had of DeLynne pre-op and post-op, and Matthew’s 3 sets of x-rays, beginning, mid-chiropractic care, and post x-ray results. DeLynne’s will shake up even people who have a medical background. Matthew’s prove beyond a doubt that chiropractic works! His first show his 21 degree curve, the second, done 2 months later show improvement to 14 degrees, the last show a perfectly straight back. And he grew 6 inches in the six months of chiropractic care.
During the extensive oral interview with the judges, he tells them: “This isn’t just a project for me, it’s a way of life. I have lived this ‘experiment'”! The judges have been impressed not only by his knowledge, but by his excitement and conviction.
We included an article my daughter wrote entitled “How Spinal Fusion Surgery Changed My Life”. We have stood back and watched people look at his project, read her story, look at the pictures and x-rays and be visibly shaken. One woman in Statesboro even cried.
We had a wonderful reporter take an interest in this because she had a friend who was in a body cast many years ago from spinal fusion surgery. She interviewed Matthew, and wrote an excellent article, along with a picture. Our chiropractor is Dr. Marc Schnobrich (who has gotten a LOT of publicity from this).
I just wish I could shout to the world what we have learned. We may never know why God had DeLynne go through that, but maybe it was to help educate others. I am not one to sit still and quiet if I know something that may help others. I thank God for leading us to Dr. Marc, and for all the help he has given us. My son is CURED of scoliosis! At 13, he stands a nice, straight 5ft. 9in. tall, has a size 14 foot, is VERY athletically talented (he just made the school baseball team, and for a 7th grader that is quite rare), and FREE of scoliosis!
God bless you and thank you for your interest. I would LOVE to get this message out to more people!
Scoliosis and the Chiropractic Approach
By Matthew Trull
Analysis of Findings
Scoliosis can be very serious. If detected early, the chances for stabilization and reduction of the curves are very good. In my family alone, we have two examples. My sister?s Scoliosis was diagnosed when both her curves had already progressed to 45 degrees. She had Spinal Fusion surgery in Atlanta at Scottish Rites Children?s Hospital. The surgery was successful; her curves were reduced to 20 degrees each. However, it was very dangerous, painful, expensive, and changed her life dramatically. My Scoliosis was diagnosed early, while I had only one curve that was 21 degrees. Following six months of Chiropractic care, I have been completely cured of Scoliosis. The approach was painless, inexpensive, and did not alter my life in any way. I believe Chiropractic care should be the first-line approach for all patients diagnosed with Scoliosis. My research has proven it has a very high success rate: 70% achieving stabilization and reduction, and 15% obtaining total correction!
Typical Treatment Options
Bracing: For curves 30-degrees or less, a Milwaukee brace is typically worn. It is a rigid brace that exerts pressure against the spine, in hopes of achieving stabilization. The brace is uncomfortable, unsightly, and is usually worn 20-24 hours per day, until the patient stops growing. It offers no correction, and is only marginally effective for stabilization. Surgery: An orthopedic surgeon performs Spinal Fusion surgery. The patient is placed on a spinal cord monitor to prevent paralysis. After performing an incision, the surgeon manually reduces the curves as much as possible, and inserts metal rods on each side of the spine, attaching them with special hardware. Bone splinters (either removed from the hip area, or donor bone) are applied between the vertebrae. Over time, these fragments grow together to create a solid bone. Surgery is very expensive, painful, dangerous, and requires the patient to alter their lifestyle forever. Surgery is very effective for reducing curves. Surgery should be considered a last resort.
Signs of Scoliosis
Most obvious signs of Scoliosis are: shoulders of unequal height, a ?rib hump?, which is caused by the ribcage on the back protruding more on one side than the other, and hips that appear unequal in height. Scoliosis clinics are conducted free of charge by health Departments and Chiropractors. A school or Health Department nurse or Physical Education teacher routinely screens students during the middle school years. It is extremely important to diagnosis and treat Scoliosis as early as possible.
Special Thank-You
I want to thank Dr. Marc Schnobrich, of Rincon Chiropractic, for all the many ways he has helped my family and me. He diagnosed my Scoliosis while treating me for an elbow injury. During the following months, he treated me weekly, always explaining what he was going to do. He provided excellent chiropractic care in many other areas, as well. Dr. Marc checked my spine often for progress. After six months of care, I was completely cured!
Dr. Marc has always been very kind, caring and helpful. He has been my friend as well as my doctor! During my research for this project, he loaned me books and other research materials. He patiently answered questions, and was never too busy to talk to me on the telephone between visits. He also answered my emails promptly and accurately. Thanks to Dr. Marc?s care, I will be able to continue my normal lifestyle, which includes baseball and many other physical activities.
Thank you, Dr. Marc!
Spinal Fusion surgery is very painful, expensive, and will alter the lifestyle of the patient forever. Surgery should be considered the last alternative in treating Scoliosis. Wearing a Milwaukee Brace is uncomfortable, limits physical activity, offers no correction, and is mostly ineffective in stabilizing the spine. The Chiropractic approach is very effective at stabilizing the spine, preventing the curve from progressing. At least 70% of the patients achieve some degree of reduction in the size of the curves. Approximately 15% of Scoliosis patients achieve total correction, like I did! That means at least fifteen out of 100 patients will not have to face surgery, take medications, and change their lifestyle forever! All of this is done with a minimum of cost and no pain! Research and experience have proven Chiropractic care is definitely effective in the stabilization and reduction of Scoliosis! Chiropractic care should be the first-line approach for all Scoliosis patients.
Chiropractic Facts
The first Chiropractic adjustment performed on the North American Continent was in 1895, by Dr. Daniel David Palmer. His first patient experienced deafness following a back injury. Following care, the patient reported improved hearing. Dr. Palmer founded the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, which continues to train Chiropractors today.
Spinal manipulation has been practiced since the beginning of recorded time. Over 2700 years ago the Chinese documented this form of treatment. Records indicate that ancient Japanese, Indians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Syrians, Tibetans, and Native Americans practiced a hands on approach to health.
An estimated 19.5 million Americans visit a Chiropractor each year.
There are over 50,000 licensed Chiropractors in the United States, and another 30,000 worldwide.
Chiropractic is the world’s second largest health care profession. It promotes the body?s own ability to heal itself. Chiropractic uses no drugs or surgery, and is all-natural.
Evaluation of Work
I believe whole-heartedly in Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis. I am living proof that it works! I thoroughly enjoyed researching this project. I was eager to find if others had similar success. I was delighted to find that more than 2/3 of the Scoliosis patients seeking Chiropractic care had very good results. It was fascinating to speak with Chiropractors who treat Scoliosis on a regular basis. I found them to be very caring, dedicated professionals. I accompanied my sister to Atlanta for her Spinal Fusion surgery, and remember the excruciating pain she suffered. I see her daily life changed. I wish my parents had been aware of Chiropractic when my sister was diagnosed with Scoliosis. Maybe next year I?ll research why more health care professionals don?t offer Chiropractic care as an option to their Scoliosis patients. More public education is definitely needed in this area!