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Hiring – Super CA’s Motivation

By Super CA Lynne Gawley-Hofstetter

Greetings Super CA’s:
When is it time for a single DC office with a single CA to hire another CA?

When things you used to do with ease don’t get done very often anymore. When you find it hard to go to the office in the morning because of the amount of work you have to do. When you don’t have time to enjoy your patients because you are too bogged down with paper work. When your numbers have been the same every week and you don’t grow because you are feeling too busy as it is.

Things slip through the cracks and CA’s get burned out. If the DC sees X number of visits a week then double those visits for the CA as she sees them coming and going! That’s when it’s time to double the staff! The hard part is finding the perfect person to split the duties with. From our own experience we had to look at the busiest times in our office when we really needed 2 of us here.

In our office we have a front desk CA who, of course, works on the front desk. Posting and booking appointments, doing recalls, bank deposits, confirmation calls, helps with month end, keeps track of supplies, prints New patient folders and all the documents used within the office, greeting cards, colouring pictures for the kids, and she makes great cakes for all our events.

We also have a New Patient CA some offices call her the Technical CA. She looks after new patients, re-evaluations, scanning or x-rays, report of findings, health talks, marketing-mall displays, newsletters, month end procedures, ordering supplies, submitting OHIP, office management/problem solving and helping out on the front desk as required.

In our office our front desk Super CA works 26 hours. Our NP-Technical Super CA works 27.5 hours. We over lap 20 hours per week, the busy times when we are both needed. When it is vacation time or one of us has a day off we of course do everything and we sure are glad to see the other come back. They always say you don’t appreciate something until you don’t have it anymore. This is so true when my Super CA is away; she has made my workday so easy. We both say we are retired now. We are very compatible so it works out great. It has been almost a year since we hired another full-time Super CA. I don’t think we realized how we were holding back our practice until she joined us and we started to grow again.

I love you because you love what I love .. loving … serving … giving … Chiropractic is Life!
Until next time ….. hugzzzzzzzz Super CA Lynne @ 12:34 pm | Article ID: 1064864082


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