
Chiropractors Money Donated to Congress

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

A top 20 list of political contributions being made to members of Congress in 2008 shows Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as receiving the most funds from chiropractors.

Chiropractors Money Donated to Congress 2008The graph to the left displays the top 20 members of Congress receiving financial donations from individuals designated as doctors of chiropractic.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tops the list with financial donations of $33,095. In the number two position is Democrat Hillary Clinton with an amount of $19,875. The first Republican on the list shown financial donations from chiropractors is Ron Paul. The medical doctor from Texas received $18,993 in donations.

Among the states represented by those members of Congress that received donations are New York, Texas, Arizona, California, Minnesota, Nevada, Hawaii, New England, New Jersey, Michigan, Maine, Montana, and Missouri.

The numbers presented in the graph are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more. All donations took place during the 2007-2008 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday, September 02, 2008. Donation data is provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.

From what I’ve been witnessing in chiropractic discussion groups, you’d think there is still a Ron Paul Revolution taking place. Chiropractors continue to distribute information and share video links about the Texas Congressman on a daily basis. Ron Paul on Immunization and Vaccines includes one of many videos featuring Ron Paul.

While the chiropractic profession continues to be Addicted to Ron Paul, the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign Website Success Secrets is the Democratic presidential candidates most popular article on Planet Chiropractic. The article was focused on the structure behind presidential candidate web sites and how they were potentially viewed by search engines.

We took a look at the chiropractic vote back in May of 1998, and shared a graph showing Top 10 Health Professionals Contributing to Federal Candidates and Parties 2008 in March of 2008. That list was topped by the American Dental Association, and neither the American Medical Association or the American Chiropractic Association appeared in the top 10.

The graph on this page is different from one we showed on March 10th earlier this year. That graph, which featured Chiropractors Top 11 Presidential Candidates 2008, showed Democrat John Edwards receiving the lion’s share of financial contributions from chiropractors. At that time, his donations totaled at $61,150, with Barack Obama reportedly having only received $8,555.

A report for May 17, 2008 shows Chiropractors Long-Term Contribution Trends, dating back to 1990. That report was updated this past week with data that shows Chiropractors Donations to Democrats in 2008 exceeded donations made to Republicans.

planetc1.com-news @ 8:20 am | Article ID: 1223565660

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