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Are We Over-Drugging American Boys?

According to a recent article on, In 1998, nearly 5 million people in the United States – most of them children – were prescribed Ritalin. Production of Ritalin, the chief drug used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), is up 700% since 1990 and boys are diagnosed with ADD four times as often as girls.

Running On Ritilan
The article asks, “Is this cause for alarm, or simply the case of an effective treatment meeting a newly discovered need? Is hyperactivity an epidemic or a hoax? Are we taking the boyishness out of boys?”

Pediatrician and family therapist Dr. Lawrence Diller joins for a chat on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at noon ET, following his appearance on Good Morning America. Diller is the author of Running on Ritalin, in which he raises concerns about the growing practice of using this medication to regulate behavior. @ 16:44 | Article ID: 942705847


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