
A Grateful Panamanian

Below is a letter that was sent to one of the doctors who attended the recent CREW chiropractic mission to Panama. We wanted to share it with you.

Drs. Laura Swingen & Danella Maxwell

Dear Dr. Swingen et al:

On behalf of all of us who benefited from your expertise, your humanity and dedication during your recent Mission to Panama in October, I wish to express our deepest appreciation to you and to all the members at CREW for a job well done.

In a world growingly filled with violence, hatred, corruption and a total lack of moral values, your work here made the difference. All of your members showed patience, love and understanding making us feel well, stress-free and comfortable.

Some of you even gave abundant TLC to our people ( I myself got a kiss and a hug), all of which justified our heartfelt thanks.

Please come back; this world needs lots of people like you for all to hand down to our children a better model of the world we all want to live in.

May God bless you all!
Pedro I. Cohen, Ph.D.
A grateful Panamanian

planetc1.com-news @ 8:10 am | Article ID: 973008655

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