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Wait, and See Your Chiropractor

A recent article on Yahoo! News suggests that when your child has an ear infection, it’s better to wait a few days to see whether symptoms can improve before beginning a course of antibiotics.

According to the article, waiting appears to be a practical way to reduce the use of antibiotics, as demonstrated in a recent UK study. The thought is that waiting may help prevent the overuse of drugs, and may also prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to antibiotics.

The article states that physicians often complain that parents pressure them to prescribe antibiotics, (it’s always your fault) yet the article also points out that most parents in the study were satisfied with a “wait-and-see” approach for treating common ear infections. According to the UK study, the wait-and-see approach resulted in a 76 percent reduction in the use of antibiotic prescriptions.

The article states that each year millions of children are prescribed antibiotics to treat middle ear infections, but the evidence that the drugs speed a child’s recovery is “mixed.” Not only that, these drugs have side effects such as diarrhea, who wants that? Let’s not forget that the widespread use of prescription drugs is assumed to be increasing the risk that bacteria will become resistant to antibiotics.

The wait-and-see approach maybe be darn good advice. While your waiting, maybe you and the family should head on down to the chiropractors office. You won’t have to worry about any antibiotics or drug resistant bacteria there.

For many families that have their children under chiropractic care, it’s the pediatricians who end up waiting. They wait and wait and wait, and wonder why the parents have not returned for the drugs they were demanding.

Bring in the whole family for their regular chiropractic checkups and maybe let someone else wait, you have better things to do.

Yahoo News: ‘Wait-And-See’ Approach May Be Okay for Earache @ 9:02 am | Article ID: 982083765


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