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The Radicals On Campus

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

Chiropractic students throughout the world benefit tremendously from the efforts of DCs and staff that take the time to support students in their endeavors. It was the chiropractors in my life, coming to speak to us at school, inviting us to their offices to observe them in practice, spending hours with us at events discussing philosophy, that led to the creation of Planet Chiropractic.

We must not forget the students for they are our future in chiropractic. They will be taking care of your children after you are gone. They will share the message of chiropractic with future generations and your actions today will affect their actions tomorrow.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to know so many energetic, intelligent, and hard working students that are attending chiropractic college today. I appreciate and admire all that you are doing. As I have said when speaking at various colleges and events, you inspire me. You inspire me because you have made the choice to step up and do something about your future.

Planet Chiropractic is proud to support, assist and promote as many of your activities as we can. This coming August will mark 3 years since I graduated from chiropractic college so it has not a been long that I have been out of the classroom. It was not long ago that Dr. Ian Grassam shared the following message with me regarding today’s chiropractic students.

The students in today’s chiropractic colleges are making a major difference:

“You serve the administration, you serve the community, you serve your fellow students, you serve the patients in your clinics, you continue to serve, and serve, and serve, and serve, and serve, and serve, and pretty soon you are the master of your universe. Because if you ever choose to be master, you must be servant to all, that is the price. The price is to give up yourself and realize what it is you are here for and what it is you are trying to accomplish and then change the world accordingly.”

The students in today’s schools are making a major difference, and it is a love for the principle of chiropractic that has motivated them in that direction. They will benefit beyond all belief. The students who at this time are serving their institutions and their fellow students will be the leaders that will take our profession to the forefront of healthcare. That is the leadership that is in today’s chiropractic schools.

They deserve our support. @ 11:05 am | Article ID: 992282714

Archive account for news, first article posted in June 1999.


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