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Say No To Anti-Bacteria Products

Multiple newsfeeds reported yesterday that anti-bacteria products may be promoting the growth of drug-resistant “superbugs.”

From Yahoo News
“Dousing everything we touch with antibacterial soaps and taking antibiotic medications at the first sign of a cold can upset the natural balance of microorganisms in and around us, leaving behind only the ‘superbugs’.”

According to the Yahoo article, “a recent Italian study found that exposure to bacteria is essential for development of an infant’s immune system.” It was stated that “a baby must be exposed to germs during its first year in order to develop antibodies needed to fight infection later in life.”

To echo what chiropractors have said for years, the Yahoo article states that, “just as a child needs lot of exercise to develop strong bones and muscles, a child’s immune system needs a rigorous workout to develop normal resistance to infections throughout life.”

From ABC News (which includes a video link)
“The vast majority of bacteria are out there serving a purpose for us. Helping our intestinal track mature, helping our immune system mature.”

From MSNBC News
“People are looking for quick answers, fast solutions, a pill for every ill.”

From Nando Media
“If you’re bacteria, you’re not just going to sit down and give up… You’re going to develop new forms.”

Natural balance, development of immune systems, normal resistance, a pill for every ill? Interesting that all these topics have been discussed at length in Dr. B.J. Palmers Green Books as well as Stephenson’s Chiropractic Textbook which were authored decades ago.

Here are several links:

Yahoo News: Researcher Urges Less Use of Anti-Bacteria Products

ABC News: How Clean Is Too Clean?

MSNBC News: Americans Too Clean For Their Own Good

Nando News: Americans’ preoccupation with cleanliness may be unhealthy, experts say @ 8:29 am | Article ID: 963934179


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