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Preparation And Support Are Keys To Success

Powersource Success Tips From Dr. Shawn Powers

Thanks to all of you who have contacted me wondering if you have been taken off my mailing list. I appreciate knowing the value you receive from the success tips and that you have been missing them so much. I am back!

The demands of my growing practices, working on a book and tape series, teaching schedule and the completion of my first marathon have kept me away.

The actual race was nothing at all like I expected and the satisfaction since its completion is so much more than I expected. I had put in approximately 260 miles in training for the event. The training required me to adapt many of my normal patterns as well as my families’ routines.

I have primarily been a person who cares about the aesthetics of the run instead of the miles on my legs or the effectiveness of the run. I was a solitary runner, I tended to only run in the morning, only if the weather was acceptable, the area attractive and only for the time and with the effort I felt on that given day. I would never run in traffic or in pollution.

This all changed for me during the training.

I wanted success without the least amount of stress so I joined a training group. Even though I knew what to do I knew getting specific coaching and support would be the smartest thing to do. I followed the schedule even though I was out of town for three quarters of the training runs. Over time I found myself running in the heat, the cold the rain, on Thanksgiving, in the afternoon, when I was tired, in traffic near my hotel when I was on the road. I knew if I didn’t get the miles in I would not be successful in my marathon quest. Nothing was going to get in my way – not traffic, not cold or heat, not schedules, and especially not my own headspace. The Saturday the group would run 21 miles I would be in NJ speaking so I did the 21 on a Thursday and jumped on the plane early the next morning.

One morning a week before the race at 5 a.m. in the dark on a heavily congested road near an airport hotel, I realized that in the past six months of this training I had actually became a runner, not someone who just runs. I was someone on a mission.

After the miles had been put in and there was nothing left to physically do, I began to prepare for the big day. I drove the course – oh my God this would be nothing like my training runs on soft trails and under beautiful trees – this was very long and through urban areas covered by concrete! In preparation I ran the last 2 miles of the course two times, visualizing and feeling a fresh and strong finish. I prepared my clothes and shoes, the items that had worked so well on my 21-mile training run. I arranged the things I might want my husband to be able to give me along the course. I called my friends and requested their support in the last 6 miles. I downloaded inspirational music for my MP3 player. I looked at pictures and read stories of people who have run marathons successfully, famous and not. I had previously requested my fellow Knights and husband to all write something that I could use to fuel me when necessary. I ceremoniously pinned this sheet of paper to my race number.

On race day everything fell in place. My husband and friends were there when I needed them. My music was a joy and I looked at my words of encouragements probably two if not three times. I kept my mind and body strong and I was able to run with three women who had been in my training group. At the end I actually sprinted (or so it seemed to me) across the finish line. I didn’t even take a nap that day! And I have started running for my next marathon.

The transformation in my identity from someone who runs to a runner on a mission, the preparation of body, mind and spirit and the fabulous support from the training group, my friends and husband I was able to complete my marathon so successfully – never hitting the wall, running the whole way, blister and injury free.

Practice is like a marathon. Some people do it easily, others struggle or never finish the goal. Some people have that “I will do it alone” attitude never being willing to get help or figuring out where or when they need support. Preparation and support are keys to success.

Success Tips

1. Who are you? One who knows themselves is wise. Be willing to learn all that you can.

2. Dedicate to your mission.

3. Establish a regular training system for yourself, your team and your practice members.

4. Evaluate your support systems. Who can you count on? Do you have someone coaching you to greatness? What do you need to be focused and motivated along your journey? When do you need support?

5. Examine your personal and practice rituals. Determine if they support your goals and dreams. Is there any need for improvement?

6. Can you see, hear, feel and know that you will be successful?

7. Do you know what the reward will be, how you will celebrate and what will be next?

Until we meet again, may angels guard and guide you, may beauty surround you, and love enfold you. I am yours in guarding the Sacred Trust,

Coach Shawn Powers

Note a change in my phone and email address:
512-306-1844 or [email protected]

Powersource Coaching Success Seminars @ 7:11 pm | Article ID: 984021071


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