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More Drugs For Tots – Not!

Many news sources are reporting today that in the US, federal government officials have planned to inform parents and teachers about the risks of using psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac on preschoolers. (Notice the trend here?)

Also according to reports, the Food and Drug Administration will be developing new drug labels and the National Institutes of Health will begin a nationwide study of Ritalin use in children under the age of 6.

Unfortunately, once again, the US government is a day late and a dollar short but with a few million taxpayer dollars, they’ll hopefully document what parents already know, children need a lot more hugs and a lot less drugs.

Chiropractors all over the planet should be recognized for all the work they have done for years to help educate their communities about the dangers of psychiatric drugs and their use in children. Government, industry, the media, and most importantly, the public is looking for an answer and/or alternative to the pointless drugging of these children. While chiropractic care is not an alternative to anything, (except ignorance) children worldwide would benefit from more frequent visits to their chiropractors.

Here are your links:
Caution urged in kids’ Ritalin use MSNBC Health
Kid Psychiatric Drug Scrutiny ABC News – Health
White House plan aims to curb Ritalin use Yahoo’s Health News
Babies on Meds FOX News
Toddlers’ psychiatric drug use prompts new study FOX News
First lady cautions against Ritalin for preschoolers Nando Health/Science

Two more links and a quote from Hillary Clinton. “We are not here to bash the use of these medications,” said Clinton. “But we do have to ask some serious questions about the use of prescription drugs.”

Hillary Clinton calls for more study on effects of… Nando Health/Science
Treating kids: therapy vs. drugs MSNBC Health @ 1:43 pm | Article ID: 953588618


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