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Is there a connection between vaccines and autism?

ABCNEWS reported today from Washington regarding a concern about a possible Vaccine-Autism Connection.

According to the article, Indiana Republican Rep. Dan Burton has promised that he would use his power to investigate the issue of a link.

Mentioned in the report were concerns from activists regarding the growing rate of autism in which its incidence, “has skyrocketed in the past 10 years.”

The report states that people from pharmaceutical companies can expect to be subpoenaed before a US Government committee, according to Burton. The focus of the investigation would be to see if “disagreements on the side-effects of vaccines and would make sure that staffers and advisers to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates drugs and vaccines, did not have any financial interest in commercial vaccines.”

According to the article, a pediatrician says there is no scientific basis for the theory of vaccines causing autism.

Um, isn’t that why studies are done?

ABCNEWS: Vaccine-Autism Connection? – Congressman Urges Investigation of a Possible Link @ 6:05 pm | Article ID: 955155912


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