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Financial and Emotional Risk – New Patients

By Dr. Rick Wren

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
at our past Society of Chiropractic Masters (SOCM) meeting we were discussing how to get your existing patients to refer more new patients to you. I was explaining that the more you reduce the financial and emotional risk the more new patients you will have.

I reduce the financial risk by charging a flat rate of $140 for the first 2 visits for a standard new patient. It includes consult, exam, x-rays, report of findings (ROF), and first adjustment. When you are consistent with this your patients and the public know there are no big financial surprises. You also reduce financial risk by giving your patients the power to refer friends and family at a reduced rate.

My new patients can send in their immediate family and one friend for the first seven days at our expense and no charge to them. We also at each re-exam or re-xray report give the patient a card that states the recipient can receive consult, exam, x-rays, and ROF for a $115 discount ($25 cost).

You reduce the emotional risk by making it very clear that no patient has to stay under care once they view their x-rays (and really mean it). Our job is to educate and the patient’s job is to decide what is best for them based on their own personal and financial situation. You love your patients as they come in and you love them as they leave (they will return). You also reduce emotional risk by running a clean, professional, and consistent practice.

Dr. Rick WrenYou also have to let your patients know when their referral does not stay, it was an honor that you were able to teach one more person how to read their own x-rays and understand what a subluxation is. Otherwise some will be embarrassed that you went to all that trouble and they did not stay. In the early 90’s when insurance got a lot worse our new patients went way down. At that time my first visit could be as high as $330 for the first visit on a standard case. I started thinking about when I sold used cars in Chiropractic College. The more inventory I had to choose from the more cars I sold. So I changed my “high and mighty attitude” to the more people I teach the more people I reach. It took a while to perfect, but eventually our new patients went back up. And since 93′ we have been selling one year of care at a time and the practice is bigger than the good old 80’s.

Hope to see you in Dallas in March ( at the Intercontinental Hotel in Addison. We will have a great time.

LLL, Dr. Rick Wren
(Founder of the Society of Chiropractic Masters and Parker Team Teacher) @ 5:21 am | Article ID: 981984096


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