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American Chiropractic Cheerleader

A web site called is holding a photo contest this week and the winner will be on the cover of the sites national publication. Why is that information posted here and what does it have to do with chiropractic? Read on.

Samantha Victoria Selimo - Chiropractic Kid!Well, there’s a very special contestant in this photo contest and she just happens to be a chiropractic kid. Samantha Victoria Selimo, the daughter of Dr. Sam and Kim Selimo of New Jersey, is entered in this contest and I think we should all vote for her.

You may notice by looking at this photo that Samantha is subluxation free. Not only that, when Samantha was brought into this world it was in a birthing room. After she was caught by a midwife, her dad (Dr. Sam) administered to his new baby girl her 1st adjustment. As reported by her parents, the adjustment was given before her umbilical cord was cut, which her dad did too.

Samantha has never had a single drug put into her body and she has never had a vaccine. Samantha, as do her older brothers, truly live and practice a chiropractic lifestyle.

Now we don’t want subluxated cheerleaders running around out there do we? We want cheerleaders that are subluxation free so that they can express their lives to the fullest of their potential. I say all kids should be checked for subluxation, let’s hear some cheers for that!

To place a vote for Samantha, CLICK HERE (it will open in the window) and input the following:

Your name and your e-mail address (you can use my name “Mike” and my e-mail address “[email protected]” if you’d like)
Scroll down the list to New Jersey and click on Samantha Selimo
Check the box below that so you don’t get any unwanted e-mails
Click “Vote Now”

You can vote as often as you’d like and I bet that Samantha would like it if you voted a lot!

Congratulations Samantha for being a Chiropractic Kid! @ 11:47 am | Article ID: 982007272


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