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CA’s Can Adjust People!

By Lynn Rivard, Principled CA

I am ecstatic to bring to you this message that came to me while witnessing a memorable and historical event – DE in Toronto, the first in Canada – EVER!!! I am glad I was there to experience this and once again have come home feeling renewed, refocused and refreshed. Let me first start by saying… “aaaaahhhhhhh isn’t life amazing?”

Now let me get to this profound realization that CA’s are adjusting people. At DE I was amazed at the passion and purpose shared by all. I left with just one question though… where were all the CA’s? Because I saw a lot of doctors, but not enough CA’s.

While sitting there listening to the message that the Chiropractic adjustment saves lives and reconnects us with our creator, it came to me. I don’t need to go to any Chiropractic college to be a Chiropractor because I already am adjusting people on a daily basis. I am adjusting their attitude and opening up their minds and potential to be the best people they can be. We, as CA’s, can adjust our patients and their families by telling the Chiropractic story to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. We can change lives, the same as any Chiropractor anywhere.

OK, so we can’t physically adjust, but mentally we are unstoppable! We can tell people that a bone out of place in their spine could be jeopardizing their quality of life and that once they are adjusted they are reunited with themselves and the God within them. The question we need to ask ourselves is… are WE ready to dedicate our lives to the Chiropractic principle? Are we ready to prepare people to receive the adjustment, by offering compassion, unconditional love and devotion to our profession? Are we ready to SURRENDER to risking what people will think of us, by telling the TRUTH to everyone we meet? This may involve taking the road less traveled, going out on a limb, going it alone – but can you imagine how humanity would be forever altered if CA’s were out there talking the PRINCIPLE up? Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkk! The thought gives me chills.

We need to take ownership for the principle and take pride in the impact that we have been chosen to make. We truly do need to be on a mission of love and intent, because we all know that were intent goes – energy flows! We have a lot of work to do and big things to accomplish.

The most thought provoking question that came up this weekend to me was: At the end of your life – what would people write on your tombstone? What a pivotal moment for me when I realized what I want mine to say – I hope mine says that I had love and compassion for my fellow human beings and that I made a difference in this world. What would you want yours to say and are you tapped into innate and your unique talents? Are you serving unconditionally so that you can fulfill that legacy NOW!? If not, CHANGE, because we need you, Chiropractic needs you, the world needs you and God needs you.

If you have never experienced Dynamic Essentials, tomorrow go into your DC’s office, put your hands on his/her shoulders, look deep into their eyes, shake them if you have to, whatever it takes to get their 100% attention and tell them that your office NEEDS to go to DE.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will empower you and embrace you. Tonight I have decided that I am no longer Lynn Rivard, CA. In honor of my intent to serve Chiropractic without conditions, I am Lynn Rivard, Principled CA. I challenge you – if you haven’t gone deep inside yourself to see if there is a Chiropractor in there, GO! GO DEEP, Reveal yourself for the wonderful marvel of design that you are, experience the beauty of being FREE, then see if you will ever be the same again!

Lynn Rivard is a Principled CA in Milton, ON @ 5:53 am | Article ID: 997448038


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