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An Autism & Vaccine Link

Originally Posted Via – VRAN- Vaccination Risk Awareness Network (Canada)

“When you have a child you realize that your heart now walks around outside your body.”

Dr. Edward Yazbak has done a lot of work with mothers who received live virus vaccines either just before and during pregnancy, and postpartum. He found that rubella virus is transmitted to the infant in breastmilk, and can heighten a baby’s risk of developing autism spectrum disorders if he/she is subsequently vaccinated. Our recent newsletter reported on his lecture on this topic given at the NVIC Conference last September. For more insight into Dr. Yazbak’s work, please refer to Gary Null’s website.

Dr. F. Edward Yazbak, MD – Maternal Vaccination – Before During and After Pregnancy – opens a new area of research that begins to explore the impact of vaccinations given to mothers, and the disastrous cascade of events that follow when infants are pre-sensitized. Dr. Yazbak was a pediatrician in private practice and also worked as a school physician in Rhode Island for 35 years where he assisted the department of health in coordinating mass vaccination campaigns against polio, measles and meningitis.

“The group of children we have now is the most vaccinated group ever. We have never seen more children vaccinated with more vaccines than the ones that are living right now. But more importantly, and this is where my study comes in, the mothers of these children are the most vaccinated ever, and have the most immune diseases ever in the history of the world.”

Dr. Yazbak showed a photo of a beautiful baby – his grandson, saying, “I can assure you this boy does not have any chromosomal aberrations or metabolic defects. He has one problem though. He has already received two hepatitis B shots, that unfortunately, with shame, I gave to him.” He talked with passion about his grandson, who on returning to France was given 3 more hepatitis B shots because the French authorities refused to believe he had already been vaccinated. “But we had to wait for the MMR – four weeks after the MMR, the life is gone – the eyes are gone. So anyone who comes and tells me that MMR did not precipitate this disease, I’d be glad to talk with them.”

In a voice laden with emotion, Dr. Yazbak showed another slide of his grandson eight weeks after the MMR saying “This picture shows the full throws of an immune insult. He is fighting – look at his face – he is fighting. Eight weeks after his MMR shot he is gone. This boy is a hero. He went to Royal Free Hospital in July 1999, and was diagnosed with what you have heard about from Dr. Wakefield – autistic enterocolitis.”

His grandson’s vaccine injury has inspired Dr. Yazbak to find out why some children are predisposed to developing autism. Dr. Yazbak’s daughter had postulated that the mother who needs to be re-vaccinated in adulthood because of failing or absent antibodies to a vaccine she has already received denotes that she has an immune problem and predisposes her children to autism, proving two things – that if in the future we find women who have been vaccinated and have no titers, or have developed titers and have lost them, we should not revaccinate them and that the problem is not with the vaccine, but with the recipient, the vaccinee.

Dr. Yazbak devised a questionnaire that was posted on the internet by Dawn Richardson, president of PROVE (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education). He received 400 responses in a few weeks. “Very quickly I realized that some women had been vaccinated just around pregnancy with disastrous results.” His research has focused on what happens to children whose mothers have been vaccinated before or during pregnancy and shortly after birth. The vaccine challenge to the mother’s immune system can subsequently impact on her children, predisposing them to immune and neurological insult when they themselves are then vaccinated in infancy and childhood.

He talked about immune fragility around pregnancy. Women whose rubella titers have declined are told they should get rubella vaccine after birth but are not told that the live rubella virus is secreted in her milk. The immunological consequences to infants exposed to live rubella virus during breastfeeding, and who are then subsequently vaccinated with live virus vaccine has not been studied, until Dr. Yazbak began to investigate these cases. Not a single woman of the 400 he studied was informed that rubella virus passes through to the baby in her breast milk. According to Merck’s product monograph, it is not known whether live measles and mumps virus is also secreted during lactation, but caution is urged during nursing.

“What happens to women that are vaccinated postpartum? This is what I have found – totally new findings. Several healthy mothers get vaccinated and horrible things begin to happen. They develop symptoms of arthritis, of thyroid, and other immune difficulties, but more importantly they start having still births and miscarriages. I’m saying this for the first time. I’m relating obstetrical failure to immune insults from a vaccine. After all this is said and done, they are still rubella and measles susceptible and even worse, they have an unbelievable incidence of autism in their children, plus other disabilities. So we have to have serious studies that look at the immune fragility of women around pregnancy. This is not a good time to give vaccines to anybody. She has enough on her mind having a baby.”

As an example of what can happen when the mother’s immune system has been tampered with, Dr. Yazbak related the tragic events in one family. This mother’s first pregnancy resulted in a daughter who is now 22 years old, in good health and in college.

Her second child, a boy, died at the age of three months of SIDS which Dr. Yazbak emphasized is a huge red flag for immune problems. Her next child a boy was born in 1979. The following day, the mother received an MMR vaccine.

The boy was breastfed for six months and received his first MMR vaccine at 15 months. “The circuit closes and he now develops autism at the age of 18 months – bang! bang! We’re now starting to see that when the child gets the MMR, it closes the circuit – that’s the concept.” The child stopped talking – he became withdrawn, refused to be held, and reacted to any change with severe temper tantrums. Simultaneously, he also started with prolonged diarrhea. His chromosomal analysis is normal.

“Then this mother has two children, age 17 and 19 with serious learning disabilities. And then this poor woman has three boys back to back with diagnosed PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) with reduced IQ’s. And things don’t stop there. She then she gives birth to a small preemie, a little girl with hypo-plastic left heart syndrome. She has only one kidney, she lives two days and then she dies. The family history, after a very extensive workup, on both sides is totally negative for autism and the mother’s chromosomal studies were normal.”

In the following case, Dr. Yazbak draws our attention to breastfed babies’ vulnerability on exposure to live rubella virus in their mother’s milk. “This mother who was born in 1953 delivered her first child in November 1984 and was given a rubella vaccine shortly thereafter. This girl was not breastfed and is normal. The mother then had three miscarriages before conceiving her second child, a boy who was born 9/8/1987. Again the mother was given a rubella vaccine shortly after delivery, and this time she breastfed her baby for four months. This child develops autism after getting an MMR. The third child, a daughter was born on 11/28/1988. The mother was given yet a third postpartum rubella booster and also breastfed this child who now has severe dyslexia, ADHD and learning disabilities. This woman was given 3 rubella vaccines within 4 years.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S) recommends that women be screened prenatally for rubella susceptibility, and should be vaccinated post partum to ‘protect’ them in future pregnancies from contracting rubella. It cautions that women should not be vaccinated during pregnancy with a live virus vaccine, and should not be vaccinated 1-3 months before pregnancy. Dr. Yazbak revealed that they had conducted a registry of vaccines given in pregnancy for 17 years – “a huge registry, in which they wanted to look at the possibility of the vaccine causing congenital rubella syndrome. In 17 years, they found no cases of damage from the vaccine. But they were ONLY look for congenital rubella syndrome”, not for any other health problems that could have arisen from vaccinating pregnant women.

Dr. Yazbak soon found 18 cases of women who were vaccinated around pregnancy. Every one of them but one, had serious, disastrous results. “The first one was a woman who had been previously vaccinated, and received an MMR in college and another one in post graduate training and was still measles susceptible. They then proceeded to give her another MMR shot when she was pregnant with twins. One infant was stillborn, and the other child also had problems with sensory integration difficulties, and multiple social difficulties also. After all this, the mother is still susceptible. So this woman was given more vaccine – 6 measles vaccines and she is still susceptible.”

“The following one is a disastrous case. This woman had a premature baby, and the obstetrician said, “next time you’re pregnant we’re going to put a band around your cervix.” She gets pregnant, and at 13 weeks he takes her in to put a band around her cervix, and gives her a rubella vaccine. Fourteen weeks later, she delivers a premature baby girl – a very stormy start and the baby is in intensive care with two bouts of sepsis, one bout of necrotizing enterocolitis, continuous apnea spells, continuous bradychardiac problems – bells and sirens ringing as these things are happening. In the middle of all this, the baby is injected with the first shot of vaccines. She survived the first set. The second one almost killed her causing hyporesponsive- hyporeflexive attacks. Eventually the baby is sent home on oxygen and monitors, and very quickly is noted to have developmental delays, and had early onset autism (autism that sets in before the age of one).”

He spoke of 76 women he has been studying who were vaccinated around pregnancy. “Fifty eight of these mothers have children with ASD (autistic spectrum disorders) diagnosed. 76% of the total number are diagnosed with ASD, and another 13% are on their way to be diagnosed, and of these, I know already that a good 12% have been diagnosed already. These children have the same findings involving the gut as Dr. Wakefield has found in England. Four mothers have other problems, and one mother has an intact and only daughter.”

“There are 9 mothers who were vaccinated before conception, and 9 who were vaccinated during pregnancy. Of the first group, 8 received the MMR vaccine – 7 had children with autism, of which there were 6 boys and one girl. Five of these had early onset autism, before the age of 7 months. One boy had severe developmental delay and will be diagnosed with autism very soon. The ninth mother who received rubella vaccine had a girl with decreased muscle tone, and hypotonic – nothing serious, and is not autistic.”

“This is a very important group because for the very first time, I’m revealing to you that measles vaccine causes more trouble than rubella vaccine if given pre-conception. This has never been reported before. Now in the second group, nine mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy. Two had MMR, three had the measles, three had the rubella, and the last one who went to Thailand was bitten by a dog and was given live virus rabies vaccine. After two shots, she realized she was pregnant and the vaccine was discontinued. Seven of these children had early onset autism (5 boys and two girls), and two have ASD.”

“Of the 76 cases, there are 18 who were vaccinated around conception, and 58 just after delivery. Thirty mothers had the MMR and 28 had the rubella vaccine. Forty four had children with autism – either regular autism, Asperger’s syndrome or PDD – 76%. Nine had children with developmental delays and severe ADHD, four had children with immune and other difficulties, and one had the girl who was not breastfed and is intact. Thank God I have one child in my study who is okay.”

“Let us look at those 44 with autism. Twenty resulted from that pregnancy, and 23 from the following pregnancy. In one case the woman had two children, the one just before the vaccination and the following one. Looking at postpartum cases only, I’m looking at 20 mothers with only one child. Thirteen out of twenty have diagnosed autism, and 4 are ready to be diagnosed, and I’m sure will be diagnosed. Two have immune issues, and the last one is that pretty girl that thank God came out scott free.”

“Now what happens to subsequent children – here you are. Thirty eight mothers had more than one child. Twenty three out of 38 have been diagnosed with autism. These are horrible numbers!!! Four have developmental delays, 3 have immunological issues, and 10 were normal. There were two sets of twins, so there is a total of 40, not 38. There are always more boys affected than girls.”

“Breastfeeding after the mother has received live virus vaccine is dangerous to the baby – it’s not the fault of the breastfeeding – but you cannot breastfeed and be vaccinated. So the best thing you can do is Do Not Get Vaccinated If You Want To Breastfeed.”

He spoke of another tragic case of a woman who is HIV positive, and according to HIV protocol, she has to get MMR every 2 -3 years. “They give her the first one when she was 3 months pregnant. The child is born and has no HIV, but they give him an MMR at the age of six months –although there is absolutely no need – but he is on the HIV protocol. At 18 months they give him another one and he becomes autistic at two years. Then the mother has 2 miscarriages, is pregnant again and has to get another MMR. This is what happens when the mother has immune problems – she gets vaccinated again and again and her child develops autism -and she now has lupus.”

“In summary, this presentation shows you an evident connection between live virus vaccination. Vaccination of women with live virus vaccine is contraindicated just before and during pregnancy and any doctor who vaccinates women in such conditions should be sued for malpractice. He should be sued – he should be put in jail! The next one is postpartum vaccination, which until now, by everybody standards was okay. I’m telling you today it is risky and it should be stopped immediately.”

Dr. Yazbak called for research to launch large independent studies to examine the autism vaccine link in the second generation vaccinees – to examine the mother and examine the child is of critical importance. He concluded with “Ladies and gentlemen, as far as I’m concerned, there is a vaccine-autism connection!” A review of Dr. Yazbak’s research and case histories of these families can be found on the internet at:

Thank you to Dr. Jeanne Ohm for providing this information. @ 1:27 pm | Article ID: 987193654


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