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A Negative Attitude is Bad for Health

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

A recent study has linked negative emotions with lowered immunity. According to the study, researchers have found that negative emotions have an effect on the immune system by lowering ones immune response against disease.

According to neuroscientist Richard Davidson, senior author of the paper, numerous scientific studies have shown that keeping a positive attitude can keep a person healthy. Until now, the reasons why this brain-body connection exists have been poorly understood.

The study involved monitoring activity levels in the human brain’s prefrontal cortex. Researchers demonstrated that people who have more activity in the left side of the prefrontal cortex also have a stronger immune response against disease. The findings, which are soon to be published in scientific journals, pinpoint one of the mechanisms underlying the link between mental and physical well-being.

“Emotions play an important role in modulating bodily systems that influence our health. We turned to the brain to understand the mechanisms by which the mind influences the body,” says Davidson.

Davidson believes that his study has amply demonstrated that there is a direct link between brain activity and immune functions, something that previous studies have not been able to define accurately. Brain study links negative emotions and lowered immunity Study Shows Brain Activity Influences Immune Function Optimism ward off disease @ 8:21 am | Article ID: 1063207275


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