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Step Eleven to a Hundred a Day

Success Principle Eleven is actually #1 of the Advanced Principles (Have weekly staff meetings and training's). Very few doctors are actually doing this because it takes extra time and thought. Staff meetings and training's should be scheduled separately. Staff meetings should be about 30 minutes and staff training's should be about an hour.

Dr. Rick Wren

Success Principle Eleven is actually #1 of the Advanced Principles (Have weekly staff meetings and training’s). Very few doctors are actually doing this because it takes extra time and thought. Staff meetings and training’s should be scheduled separately. Staff meetings should be about 30 minutes and staff training’s should be about an hour. They should be in the office with the doors locked and the phones off.

I use to do staff meetings at Restaurants, so the public could see my staff all dressed in their matching attire on a weekly basis. Now I take my staff and my Patient of the Weeks (P.O.W.) out once a month and do staff meetings in house. Staff meetings should be scheduled early in the week to review last weeks stats and make plans for the coming week. Staff meetings should not be “Gritch” sessions, but should have some positive criticism.

There are some questions that should be asked at every staff meeting. Below are some good questions that should be asked, that I got somewhere from somebody. I have also included a Weekly Staff Meeting Sheet that you can use. Weekly Staff meetings should start with the “New Patient Phone Call” and go step by step through the first 3 days of the New patient process. Then you go through step by step of “WOW” visits, Re-exams, Re-xrays, etc.

We suggest that the following list of priorities is read and discussed at every staff meeting:

Are we creating a confident, caring atmosphere?
Are we focusing on our patients’ needs?
Are we focusing on patient follow-through?
Is the Report of Findings losing steam?
Do we all have a positive attitude and are we excited about chiropractic?
Is our practice energized?
Are we suggesting vitamins for our patients?
Are we calling missed appointments?
Are we calling patients to thank them for referrals?
Are we calling patients who are in pain?
Are we paying attention to our statistics?
Are we going over all of our new patients and recalls at staff meetings?
Are we sending personal notes and recall letters on a regular basis?
Are we educating our patients properly?
Are we thinking about new patients and asking for referrals?
Are we doing re-evaluations and making recommendations?
Are those “special touches” in place?
Have we gone back to those old habits?

You would be amazed how your staff can be on so many different pages when you have not trained in several months. Staff meetings and training’s are covered very well in the SOCM 18 CD set that you can get from the Planet Chiropractic online store. I will be flying out of my family vacation in Florida and back, just to be with you in San Diego ( So I hope you plan to be there.

LLL, Dr. Rick Wren (Founder of The Society of Chiropractic Masters and Parker Team Teacher)

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