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Spring Cleaning For Chiropractic Warriors

By Dr. Shawn Powers

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, then to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt

The last few weeks my runs have been filled with the beautiful scent of the spring flowers blooming and the herons fishing along the lake. My neighborhood has been busy planting and fertilizing the grass and flowers looking magnificent. This is the time of year for cleaning up and making things beautiful. The other morning the city workers were on a pontoon barge cleaning all the garbage out of the lake. Every morning my run is filled with beauty and serenity because people are attending to cleaning up the garbage. My runs fuel me and inspire me to be more today than I was yesterday and for that I am thankful to the “garbage” men.

It is sometimes imperceptible to us how our life can get filled with “garbage.” Things and people that are broken, unnecessary, that does not meet our needs or are contrary or incongruent with our purpose. “Garbage” detracts from beauty and serenity; it leaks our power and prevents us from being the best person we could be.

As a chiropractor warrior, dedicated to making a difference on this planet we have a compelling reason to be our best. People need us. We are on a mission to correct subluxations, free the interference to innate intelligence and reconnect our practice members so they may live to the fullest. We are on a mission to tell as many people as possible about the horrendous consequences of subluxation. We will not rest until everyone on this planet has had the opportunity to be checked and decide if they want chiropractic care. Are you ready and willing to do the spring cleaning that will allow you to be your best?

Success Tips

1. Clean up the “relationship garbage” in your life. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Resolve or forgive conflicts, let go of the past. Keep your word. Create an environment and community of people to nourish you.

2. Clean up the “environmental garbage.” Clean the office, the house, and the garage, get organized, donate what you do not need, fix anything that is broken or throw it out. Beautify your office and home.

3. Clean up the “financial garbage.” Increase the amount you save each month. Increase your income and decrease your overhead; trim the fat. If you are not yet financially independent create a plan and timeline to do so.

4. Clean up the “personal power garbage.” Establish and maintain daily habits that empower you mentally, physically and spiritually. Eradicate the negative thoughts and behaviors that prevent you from achieving your ultimate destiny. Contribute to your self and others, practice random acts of kindness, tell the truth, and practice living in a state of gratitude and connection to God.

Until we meet again, may angels guard and guide you, may beauty surround you, and love enfold you. I am yours in guarding the Sacred Trust,

Coach Shawn Powers


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