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Neuro Emotional NIH Research?

According to a recent article on MSNBC, “medical experts” from the National Institutes of Health are discussing a concept that was once thought to be “New Age fluff.”

The New Age fluff in question is what role do emotions play in relationship to human health and disease. The following quote comes from the MSNBC article:

“These notions that emotions have something to do with disease — that stress can make you sick, that believing can make you well — all of that has been around for thousands of years, embedded in the popular culture. And until very recently, we haven’t had the scientific tools to prove these connections in a rigorous, scientific way.”

An emphasis was added to “we haven’t had the scientific tools to prove these connections” although the “notion” of emotions having some sort of relationship with disease has been around for thousands of years. Ask yourself, if we did not have the scientific tools before, did the relationship exist?

According to the article, five years ago, and certainly ten years ago, the thought that emotions had something to do with disease was considered new age. What the researchers are looking for, according to the article, is a way to translate how an experience goes from the brain to changes in the hormones and changes in the systems that regulate immune system cells.

Just what system is it that carries information from the brain to the rest of the body and back to the brain again for further processing? Want to learn more about the emotional connection? Speak to an NET practitioner.

MSNBC: The NIH goes New Age

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