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Saying No To Drugs

April 3 – MSNBC reports on a study stating, “Pediatricians urge no drugs for respiratory infections.”

The report suggests that “pediatricians are often pressured to prescribe unnecessary antibiotics for respiratory infections” and that those pressures often come from parents and from schools children are attending.

According to the article, the study was performed to find if the withholding of drugs in children that had respiratory infections would have an ill effect on them.

The report mentions that, “some doctors will prescribe antibiotics for nearly all patients with respiratory infections” but that there is, “no scientific rationale for such antibiotic use.”

The article sites a CDC survey that showed “86 percent of pediatricians surveyed in Georgia routinely prescribed antibiotics for bronchitis, even though such use is rarely justified; and 42 percent prescribed them for the common cold, which is caused by viruses.”

The continuing overuse of antibiotics has led to the problems we have today with antibiotic resistant bacteria. How long will it be before doctors begin being doctors and stop following the path of least resistance?

What kind of healthcare would we have if patients continued to come in when they want, how they want, based on their terms, and received no form of education whatsoever?

Chiropractors and others that are investing the time in educating their communities by teaching the principles of health are changing the world we live in.

Source: MSNBC – Study backs ‘judicious’ antibiotic use: Pediatricians urge no drugs for respiratory infections @ 7:44 am | Article ID: 954859454


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