
Questions About Practicing Chiropractic

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

The chiropractic salaries and advice about chiropractic schools articles result in the largest number of e-mails I receive from individuals seeking careers in the field of chiropractic health-care. Sadly to say, there must be more than 100 unanswered e-mails from prospective chiropractic students, it would be great if representatives from various US chiropractic schools would field some of these questions for us. Until that time comes, I’ll keep answering those that catch my attention, please bear with me.

Chiropractor Michael Dorausch demonstrating lumbar disc herniation on spinal modelChoosing to become a chiropractor is no easy decision, I don’t think anybody should ever just jump in and go for it. While I’m guilty of not replying to many of the e-mail requests, I appreciate that individuals of all ages are taking the time to research career potentials in this industry. The latest e-mail I received was from someone with questions about chiropractic practice.

I had a few questions about practiving chiropractic and I was hoping someone from your website could help me. I am currently enrolled at a University and started to become interested in chiropractics. I was originally leaning towards medical school, but with the high demands and competition I have begun to look into other options. Based on what I have learned so far, most people do 3 years of college before chiropractic school. I was wondering, is it normal for someone to earn their Bachelor’s degree and then apply to a chiropractic school? I would like to keep my options open, depending on my GPA, interests, etc. at the time closer to graduating for college. Is it reasonable to wait until graduating from college, or will this make be “behind?” Any tips or information would be wonderdul. Thank you for your time.

Thanks for your questions, I’ve met an untold amount of people that have become interested in the field of chiropractic while studying in premedical requisite courses. You mention high demand and competition in the field of medicine, be prepared for the same (at least after you graduate) in the field of chiropractic. From what you’ve told me so far, sounds like you have thought this pretty well through. Congratulations to that. In my experience most people do attend three years (or more) of college before entering a chiropractic program, and yes it is normal for someone to earn a bachelor’s (Bachelors of Science) degree and then apply chiropractic school.

The majority of chiropractic colleges in the United States have similar entrance requirements, with some schools having different approaches towards requiring bachelors degrees. For example, I don’t believe a bachelors of science degree is required to begin the chiropractic program at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles (CCCLA), but if you have enough credits, you may as well get the BS degree. I’m fairly certain Cleveland is the only school in California offering a bachelors of science program while training towards the doctor of chiropractic program. There are three other schools teaching chiropractic in the state of California, and they’ve all earned high marks from the school’s respective graduates.

I believe what you’re really seeking is whether you’ll be missing out on potential chiropractor class time if not yet finished with your pre-chiropractic coursework. In my opinion, I think you can go either way on this. If you have the energy, I’d choose a chiropractic school before graduating from college. Seek the cooperation of your schools guidance counselor and administration department of the chiropractic school you are planning to attend. Unless you need to take time off for work, family, or other miscellaneous issues, I’d continue schooling straight through. You’d be done that much faster.

Some other recent questions are received regarding schooling included this article titled An Interest in the Study of Chiropractic Work. I scanned through some of the archives for related topics and came up with the following…

Can You offer Advice about Chiropractic Schools?
Chiropractic 101: An Aspiring Chiropractor
Things you may consider when choosing a chiropractic school
10 Years After Chiropractors Graduation

This last article is a bit older, but I include Student Loan Crisis Worsens since it’s a critical topic. Before you make the commitment for any kind of long-term schooling, you should look into what kind of student funding is available. Check out student loans, information on student loan paybacks, consolidation of loans, interest rates on student loans, and all that other money related stuff. The economics of this whole approach to being a natural health-care provider are important to address from the beginning.

planetc1.com-news @ 9:38 pm | Article ID: 1226986743

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