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I Don’t Have A Clue

By Sharon Gorman, D.C.

I Don’t Have A Clue!
No, I’m not talking about you. Or am I?
No, I’m talking about my oldest daughter. She came home from second grade with another foreign cliche. Ten times a day she would say this thing about being clueless. I got her to stop by telling her every time she said it that I would be happy to go over some clues with her. Well it was funny the first time I said, “So where did you take your shoes off? That would be your first clue to finding your shoes.” But after about a dozen times she would roll her eyes and say “mommy” and then she quit saying “I don’t have a clue”.

What a poor image to send out into the universe. It sounded to me that she decided that even the easiest task would confuse her. Kids come home with some average, common negative attitudes when they go to school and are around some average negative kids. She’s related stories to me of times where she felt she embarrassed herself because she was accidentally too polite to the bus driver, her teacher or another kid. She has learned two standards of behavior. She is smart enough to realize that my husband and I will not tolerate too much of her second grade attitude so thankfully she usually leaves it in school. She so yearns to be accepted by all of the other kids.

I hope as she gets older she will be brave enough to be who she is wherever she goes because if she is not careful she will become an average negative adult. If she takes a stand for being a force for good and a positive light in the world she will not always fit in with most of the groups in life because she stands out and is willing to rise up against the average negative world.

That is what is asked of us principled chiropractors. I think that is one of our principles, so many of us brave souls choose to step forward and stand out of the crowd. I always strive to keep my heart open and to not shut down and become negative even though I’ve been hurt because I’ve let myself be more unprotected than most. I’ve come to realize that is part of the price I pay to be so alive and willing to take chances. That’s another thing, if you have yet to become as successful as you like maybe it is because you haven’t allowed yourself to make enough mistakes.

I learn from my mistakes. When I am busy trying not to get hurt I find that life just passes me by. My dad once told me that he never met anyone who made as many mistakes as me and I replied to him that he just doesn’t hang around with people who try as many things as I do. I’m proud to be different than most people. I’m a very special person and that is what it takes to be all I can be.

Some days when I feel a little weak I want to tell the patients what they want to hear. I think wouldn’t it be easier not to tell them the whole truth about chiropractic, they might reject it thereby in my mind rejecting me. Yeah, it might be easier to just treat their pain and send them home but that has nothing to do with who I am and unlike my 8 year old daughter I can’t be one person at home and one person at the office. With the level of awareness that I have been lucky enough to attain comes responsibility.

Responsibility to relay the chiropractic story and responsibility to live a life that is consistent with the principles that teach me how to live the above-down-inside-out life. When I have “problems” in my life I can no longer look outside of myself for the answers. I need to go inside myself for the answers and the strength to live the life I’ve been lucky enough to be chosen to live. I also need to be surrounding myself with others that have chosen to live a principled life. That way I can look to them for fellowship and inspiration and realize that I might have not picked the road most traveled but there are others on a similar journey and who I can talk it down with.

That is such a source of joy in my life, and don’t forget joy is good and how we are supposed to be a good part of the time. Now back to that “I don’t have a clue” thing. What don’t you have a clue about? Well let’s go over some of the possible clues. This is one of the rackets we fall into that become an excuse to stay small. We have talked about speaking with authority many times but that would be real hard to do if you felt that lifes answers somehow passed you by. Fill in the gaps for yourself so that you can go forth with a confidence of knowing. Make it your business to become an authority about chiropractic and success. Both of which we all would always be grateful to achieve more awareness of.

Feel comfortable with your past and acknowledge your responsibility to create a future that excites you. Fill in the gaps and exude a confidence that comes from your pride in chiropractic and your pride in you. One last thought. Remember life can only be lived in the moment. Discipline yourself to live in the moment.

Love, Sharon

If you feel that you “don’t have a clue”, come hang out with some folks that do. Give Sharon a call at (570) 476-7557 and get registered for this weekend of chiropractic fellowship in Pennsylvania. Also, make plans to join us along with 250+ DCs, staff, students, and family in September, in Sunny California. @ 7:55 am | Article ID: 989852146


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