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Becoming a Positive Force in Chiropractic and in Life

By Sid Mouk, D.C.

A Human Should Be A Force, Not Just a Being!

We as human beings existing upon this planet all have the potential to become not just a being but an earth-shaking force for good, a positive force that can powerfully influence the history of all mankind. But potential means little or nothing. It is only by the consistent exercising and expression of our potential that we can become a dominant force for the betterment of all mankind. I truly believe that all of us in the field of Chiropractic, especially, have enormous potential to become just such a force, just such a consistently creative energy, just such a history-altering power on this planet. Why else would we have been chosen by the Universe/God to be a major part of the profession that is seated right at the crest of the incredible wave of change in the thinking of the western world regarding healing and life philosophy? Millions of others could be in our place but we were the fortunate ones who were “chosen”. Could this possibly be just a coincidence? No, we are the “chosen” ones and we have been given the great privilege of leading this planet into the much needed realization that we are all a part of God, that we all have that “spark” of God within us called Innate Intelligence, and that “the power that made the body can heal the body” of any and all dis-eases and diseases known to mankind!

This incredibly creative profession has already given the world the forces known as Dr. D.D. Palmer, Dr. B.J. Palmer, Dr. Jim Parker, and Dr. Sid Williams. There are many others who have contributed greatly to this noble profession but these four especially qualify as “earth-changing and profession-changing forces”. Without them, who knows where Chiropractic would be today, or if it would still even exist as a profession.

D.D. Palmer put his considerable ego aside and allowed the universe to deliver, through him, the principle and basic methods of Chiropractic to this planet. Without the force of his belief and the openness of his mind, this principle might have lain dormant in the recesses of human consciousness for another several hundred years or more. He gave us the principle and the beginnings of the powerful philosophy of this profession. He gave birth to Chiropractic!

B. J. Palmer expanded our understanding of the power and the potential of this God-given principle and proved, without a doubt, the healing power of the spinal adjustment and Chiropractic philosophy. He flamboyantly promoted this fledgling profession at a time when it was going through intense “growing pains” due, mostly, to human ego trips on the part of the medical politicians of the day. He took the new born baby Chiropractic and nurtured it through infancy, childhood, and the rebellious teenage years when it could easily have been destroyed by outside forces or self-destructed at any time. He brought Chiropractic to the brink of adulthood!

Jim Parker came on the scene while this profession was being constantly battered by the medical politicians and the drug companies and many of those practicing Chiropractic seemed to walk around with a dark cloud surrounding them. Chiropractic offices were often to be found on side streets, as opposed to the main thoroughfares, and the overall feeling throughout most of this profession was one of gloom and a feeling of being nothing more than second-class citizens. At his hugely attended seminars, Dr. Jim eloquently re-taught us the powerful healing philosophy of Chiropractic (especially important since several of the major colleges in this profession were teaching no philosophy at all). He held his seminars in the biggest and best hotels and brought in top guest speakers to teach us to accept only the very best in our lives and in this profession. He taught us how to build large clinics to accommodate the multitude of new patients that came to us as a result of his teachings, and powerful positive ways of working with these patients. He not only taught and emphasized the necessity of becoming a Healer but also the vital importance of educating our patients and communicating with them. He effectively turned us into a Healing profession. Without Jim Parker, Chiropractic quite possibly may not have survived its early adult years.

Sid Williams taught us that the powerful healing philosophy of Chiropractic can be successfully combined with the academics necessary to become a well rounded professional. He showed the way for this profession in the future… a large university, the prominent part of which is a strong College of Chiropractic teaching future DCs in a major college atmosphere and emphasizing the philosophy of healing. He obviously stepped on the toes of some Chiropractic politicians along the way and, as a result, he was forced to step down as president of Life University, but his accomplishments will live on in this profession. He showed us the needs of the future if Chiropractic is to not only survive but to thrive and grow in this new millennium!

Human Beings, certainly. Human Forces, definitely. This profession is too important to be led only by human beings, we need human forces. Who will be the next HUMAN FORCE to lead this profession into its rightful place as the unchallenged leader of worldwide natural Healing?

We all have the potential to be such a force. Let’s do it!
Would the next D.D./B.J./Jim/Sid please step forward!.
We Need You!!!

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Dr. Sid Mouk practices in Baton Rouge, LA @ 7:54 pm | Article ID: 1064458468


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