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Chiropractic Knowledge Is Power

One of the points in my career that helped me to take a major step forward in my practice and personal life happened while reading one of B.J. Palmer’s Green Books. I have always heard most of the “on purpose” chiropractors like Dr. Sid Williams or Dr. Jim Sigafoose talking about the invaluable information B.J. Palmer had bestowed upon using his numerous writings. So, I began collecting and reading anything I could get my hands on that B.J. Palmer wrote.

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Chiropractic Knowledge Is Power

One of the points in my career that helped me to take a major step forward in my practice and personal life happened while reading one of B.J. Palmer’s Green Books. I have always heard most of the “on purpose” chiropractors like Dr. Sid Williams or Dr. Jim Sigafoose talking about the invaluable information B.J. Palmer had bestowed upon using his numerous writings. So, I began collecting and reading anything I could get my hands on that B.J. Palmer wrote.

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