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Paint Your Picture

By Lynn Rivard, Principled CA

Imagine an artist, an incredible painter… sitting before a beautiful nature scene preparing to create his best work. He has painted other paintings and those paintings have molded his skills and helped prepare him to master his craft, but this like any new venture is a fresh, new project that is about to be born to the universe. Before him is a fresh canvas and at his side are his paints. He has chosen his brush and is about to embark on a journey of wondrous creation so that he can give to the world a piece of himself, his talent, his heart, his legacy. He draws a deep breath, surveys the white canvas and inspiration flows as he begins to create…

You see… we are the artists! We may not be able to paint scenic landscapes or elaborate portraits, but each and every day that we wake up there is a fresh canvas before us. Our paints are our talents and our brush is our intent – our tool for creating the life we have always desired. Every single brush stroke an artist makes… he chooses to make with an expected outcome. We do the exact same thing, each with our own unique set of expectations. From the moment we wake up – we make choices. We choose how we will take on the day, we choose what we will fuel our body with, we choose what we will wear to present ourselves to the world and we choose what we will give back to the world that day – and this is usually all done before we even leave the house.

We are powerful beyond measure and capable of creating the world’s most perfect and beautiful masterpiece – OUR LIFE!

If we are down and out – we are choosing to be there. Even when life has handed us a difficult challenge – we can still choose the attitude that will make or break us. That choice of colour (or decision to stand tall) can be the difference between living life at half our potential or living life with a loving and vibrant presence of certainty. Life is our chance to paint the colours of our inner rainbow into magnificent accomplishments, memories, experiences and talents.

Start today… get out there, dust off your paints & brushes and paint your picture, let your legacy shine bright in the attitude you choose to view life with and the gifts and talents that you bring to the world! @ 2:57 pm | Article ID: 1010185041


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