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Lou Needs Chiropractic Too!

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

I am a chiropractic magnet. Everywhere I go, someone is either talking about chiropractic or presenting an opportunity for me to talk to them about chiropractic. I often have to check and see if I am wearing a chiropractic t-shirt. Funny thing is I own very few chiropractic t-shirts. It must be something else. Just what is it?

I live in a chiropractic world. People sit down next to me in airports, restaurants, or where ever, and begin talking about chiropractic. It happens more often then I can call coincidence. Did they see my face on the internet? I doubt it. Am I sending out chiropractic radio signals that attracts all these folks? Just what is it?

This is my world. In my eyes everyone is either under chiropractic care or about to begin chiropractic care. I am just here to either remind them or make sure that their chiropractor is giving them the whole story. That’s my job. Someone has to do it and if I don’t what will the message be? I am a messenger of chiropractic.

I spoke on Sunday at New Beginnings (join me in October, it’s an awesome program) and I told the story about all the things that happen to me regularly in airports. I was leaving soon after my talk and I said that I expected to speak to someone in the airport about chiropractic. Now I don’t get to airports and begin looking around for people to talk to, by the time I am there I am usually focused on other stuff and yet these things just happen.

Big Lou & Big Mike, I need a new photographer.In The Airport
My girlfriend Kathie says “here comes Lou Ferrigno” and then she smiled, she knows what will happen next. “Hey Lou” I said, “I am a big fan of yours.” He smiled and said thanks and then I asked him those three words… “who’s your chiropractor?” He told me and I said that’s great, make sure you stay under care because it’s very important to your health. We then proceeded to have a pleasant conversation about chiropractic. Lou was getting adjusted 3x a week when he was training for his last Mr. Olympia. He told me that chiropractic is so much more than just getting bones moved. I reminded him about chiropractic’s role as the logical choice for athletes seeking better performance naturally. We then spoke about some other things, I told him about the firewalk I had done in New Jersey and said he should come hang out with us some time. And after all this, we discover that we live in the same neighborhood. How about that. The last thing I said was that I’d hate to have to sit next to him on the flight home, he’d crush me. He hopes I am a better chiropractor than I am joke teller. I think I will be seeing Lou again soon.

For those of you that don’t know, Lou is probably most famous as the incredible hulk. I remember him best though from the film “Pumping Iron” which featured him taking 2nd place to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1974 Mr. Olympia. Arnold’s buddy, Franco Columbu, a Cleveland Chiropractic College DC graduate, took 1st place in his weight class that same year.

The thing to understand is that this is not about me, it’s merely through me. It’s about chiropractic. The point is this, I live in a chiropractic world and you do too. You just may not know it yet. Look around, there’s someone just waiting for you to talk to them about chiropractic. I am on my way to another airport, who will be next? @ 1:00 pm | Article ID: 988920051


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