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How Harmful Is Human Drug Testing?

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

According to an article appearing on the Cox news service, a problem that we face is that we don’t know if the stories we hear about harmful drug testing is merely the tip of the iceberg, or are they a rare event. We simply don’t know how big the problem is because nobody is collecting the data.

When we talk of drug testing we are referring to research being conducted in the U.S. which involves humans, not the drug testing one undergoes when applying for a job or new position.

As far as drug testing goes in the United States, do we have the following information… How many tests are being conducted? Who is conducting these tests? How many Americans are subjects in drug experiments? Who is paying for the experiments? How many people are being injured as a result of these experiments? Do some die as a result of the experiments, and if so how many?

According to the article, we don’t have the answers to these questions. It is estimated that up to 19 million people per year take place in medical experiments.

Universities that conduct research have boards made up primarily of university employees to oversee the tests. Research facilities are not inspected by the Board nor are they inspected to see how research is conducted. According to the article, Board’s review paper and oversee forms. The article further states that drug testing in the United States is virtually unregulated compared with other industries.

The article mentions that there are unannounced visits to animal research facilities but there are no unannounced visits to human subject research projects. A research scientist in Maryland stated, “it’s unbelievable that animals for 34 years are regulated and human beings are not.”

Cox News Service: Healing Or Harming, Medical Tests Rarely Held Up to Scrutiny @ 7:53 am | Article ID: 1011023612


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