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Chiropractic Schooling With Reggie

Students at Cleveland Chiropractic College Los Angeles, Club Chiropractic, have long been dedicated to promoting the importance of chiropractic philosophy. At the beginning of every trimester, they sponsor an entire week of philosophy and invite five dynamic, philosophical chiropractors to share their knowledge with aspiring chiropractic students.

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

Students at Cleveland Chiropractic College Los Angeles, Club Chiropractic, have long been dedicated to promoting the importance of chiropractic philosophy. At the beginning of every trimester, they sponsor an entire week of philosophy and invite five dynamic, philosophical chiropractors to share their knowledge with aspiring chiropractic students.

This September, 2001, they have organized a very special event. “The Reggie Gold Philosophy Week.” An entire week solely dedicated to listening to the wisdom of one of the greatest chiropractic philosophical minds in chiropractic time. Dedicated to globally educating all on the chiropractic philosophy, they are asking for your support and sponsorship to make this event a success for the students, and the progression of the chiropractic profession.

reggie gold philosophy fundraiser

Please view the link below to see a full page flyer for this weeklong event. Call me crazy but if you are a chiropractor practicing in Southern California, you may want to make plans so that you can go and get “schooled” by Reggie. I am sure the students will welcome your attendance and financial support. @ 11:03 am | Article ID: 992282602


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