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Be My Valentine

By Dr. Stew Bittman

Chiropractic, would you be my valentine?
I do love you so, and I really think you love me, too. You have showered me with gifts, and have graciously taught me to share mine. You have shown me miracles and whispered sweet everythings in my ear, and from you I have learned innumerable truths about myself and about my Self.

Without words your song has reached deep into my heart and laid it open, and the Universe continues to open to me. Your principle has ignited a divine spark that never was quite reached before with science or money or recreational drugs, and the world and I continue to benefit from the passion that has been unleashed.

Your simple and natural beauty has filled me with awe and continually reminds me of the incredible power I hold in my hands, and your magic continues to work thru them. Your other servants have become my closest friends and dearest family, and I continue to glow with hope and optimism as I meet more and more of your warriors. Best of all, you have never let me down, even when I’ve forsaken you by using you in name only, and you have helped me to develop a real relationship with God.

Be my valentine, chiropractic, and I vow to serve you, to love you, to protect you, to share you, to live you, and to be you.

On Valentines Day, know that I will be serving God by serving you. It’s the most loving thing I know how to do. Even better, know that I’ll be doing it the next day as well. @ 1:10 am | Article ID: 1013663413


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