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Are You Taking Useless Drugs

Are you uselessly taking drugs that are doing you no good, costing you lots of money, and possibly putting you at risk of suffering from more serious health conditions?

According to an article on MSNBC, “Americans are expected to spend $4.7 billion this year on prescription allergy medications like Claritin, Allegra and Zyrtec. But a new study finds that almost two-thirds of those who take the drugs don’t need them.”

The article states, “People who are misdiagnosed can waste as much as $80.00 a month for the prescription drugs, taking medicines they don’t need. And although side effects are rare, the medications fail to solve the real problem.”

If you gave a drug daily to a person that was healthy, would they get healthier? If you are taking medicines that you do not need are you producing more health or less health? How about the side effects, will you take more drugs to cover up the symptoms created by the drugs you “do not need?” Why would you do such a thing?

You are being marketed to and it’s not all your fault. According to the article, “There’s also an incredible influence for marketing where patients will watch television and they’ll see commercials or they’ll be on a bus and they’ll see ads for medications and they want these medications.”

The reason you may want to take drugs is because you have been conditioned by years of advertising that these drugs will solve your problems and make you healthier. You want to do the right thing. There is indeed an incredible influence to get you and your family to take more drugs and to not solve “the real problem.” Take responsibility, invest in your health, and you’ll be less likely to become a drug study statistic.

MSNBC: Two-thirds of those taking allergy drugs may not need them
Update 6/12 – Time Magazine: Sometimes, A Cold is Just a Cold @ 11:22 am | Article ID: 991246938


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