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You Either Get It or You Don’t

By Dr. Debora Logan
(inspired by Dr. Rick Wren’s close at the August PSPS in Toronto)

The number of people killed each day for taking the properly prescribed medication is equivalent to 3 jumbo jets crashing each day, killing all aboard.

You either get it, or you don’t.

Japan recently made it illegal to vaccinate children under 2 years of age. The result has been a 75% decrease in the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome.

You either get it, or you don’t.

Americans consume half of the drugs in the world at a rate of 25 million/hour. Americans consume 15 tons of aspirin per day (about 19 billion tablets per year), and is the leading cause of kidney disease.

You either get it, or you don’t.

Over 100 years ago, Chiropractic was labeled “quackery” and only 11% of the population was taking adjustments. In the early 60- 70’s, it was called “unorthodox” and several chiropractors were jailed for practicing medicine without a license, yet 23% of the population was getting adjusted. In the late 80’s-90’s, 30% of the population was under chiropractic care, which was labeled “alternative.” Today, 37% of the population is getting adjusted and chiropractic is considered “complimentary care.” It is estimated that within this decade that Chiropractic will become the norm as at least 50% of the population will be under regular chiropractic care.

You either get it, or you don’t.

30 years ago, a 6 year old boy fell in a pool and lay drowning on the bottom. A chiropractor pulls him out unconscious. The boy was adjusted and the next day, stood on a stage in front of hundreds of other chiropractors and proclaimed, “Yesterday, I was drowned, but today I’m alive because of Chiropractic!” Today, this boy is a chiropractor, also.

You either get it or you don’t.

Somewhere: a 3 year old boy was adjusted yesterday and no longer has an ear infection.
A 43 year old woman was adjusted yesterday and no longer has symptoms of IBS.
A newborn was adjusted yesterday and was taken off of life support.
A 15 year old teen was adjusted yesterday and her menstrual cramps stopped.
A 50 year old man stopped drinking and beating his children, 60 days after beginning chiropractic care.
A world class athlete was adjusted yesterday and won his 3rd Tour de France.

You either get it or you don’t.

Chiropractic saves and changes the lives of thousands each day. September 18th marks the 106th birthday of Chiropractic. This is the day that DD Palmer performed the first chiropractic adjustment on a deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard and his hearing was restored. September is Chiropractic Outreach Month and we’d like you to share the benefits of Chiropractic with as many people as you know to help make our world a better place.

After all, you either get it or you don’t. @ 7:40 am | Article ID: 999614450


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